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Sydney MP claims aggravation from Mark Latham’s ‘disgraceful’ defamation defence
Article 2023-09-08 9:41 pm By Christine Caulfield

Independent Sydney MP Alex Greenwich, who is suing politician Mark Latham over a homophobic social media post, claims the One Nation NSW leader’s defence has aggravated his damages by relying on a “disgraceful” gay stereotype.

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MP Rebekha Sharkie accused of bullying in employment suit
Ashurst 2023-08-23 11:53 pm By Sam Matthews

South Australian MP Rebekha Sharkie has been hit with an employment suit by a former staffer who says she was subjected to “a course of bullying behaviour” by the MP that culminated in a stress-related hospitalisation and left her unable to work.

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Competition taskforce to consider merger law overhaul
Competition & Consumer Protection 2023-08-23 3:10 pm By Sam Matthews

The federal government has announced a new competition taskforce supported by a former ACCC chair that will look into reforms of the country’s merger laws, market concentration and non-compete employee clauses.

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NSW Law Society throws support behind Voice
New South Wales 2023-08-18 10:39 pm By Sam Matthews

In a unanimous decision, the Council of the Law Society of NSW has become the latest lawyers’ body to lend its support to the Voice.

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Pauline Hanson wins reversal of $250,000 defamation award for Brian Burston
Appeals 2023-08-16 3:30 pm By Sam Matthews

One Nation leader Pauline Hanson has succeeded in overturning a defamation judgment requiring her to pay $250,000 in damages to former colleague Brian Burston, with the Full Federal Court finding an allegation of sexual abuse against Burston was substantially true.

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Mark Latham claims homophobic tweet ‘enhanced’ Sydney MP’s reputation, was ‘honest opinion’
Defamation 2023-08-08 9:08 pm By Cindy Cameronne

One Nation’s NSW leader Mark Latham has responded to a defamation case by Alex Greenwich by claiming his homophobic tweet was an honest opinion and improved, rather than damaged, the independent Sydney MP’s reputation.

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Government supercharges penalties in response to PwC tax scandal
Legal Ethics 2023-08-07 1:47 pm By Sam Matthews

Tax advisers and firms promoting tax avoidance could face penalties of up to $780 million, as part of a suite of reforms the government is calling “the biggest crackdown on tax adviser misconduct in Australian history”.

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Coalition urges government to ‘show some leadership’ on AI regulation
Intellectual Property 2023-08-03 10:18 pm By Sam Matthews

A Coalition MP has urged the government to take action on the regulation of artificial intelligence, flagging “very significant” issues in the intellectual property sphere.

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Attorney-General calls on lawyers to help push Voice campaign to victory
News 2023-07-28 10:58 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus has called on Australia’s lawyers to show their support for the Indigenous Voice as the campaign to amend the Constitution to enshrine a Voice in Parliament races ahead.

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Developer ‘bought influence’ from Victorian MPs, councillors: IBAC report
Construction 2023-07-27 10:10 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Victorian premier Daniel Andrews has vowed to limit the role of local councils in planning decisions after the state’s anti-corruption board delivered a scathing report finding property developer John Woodman “bought influence” from councillors in Melbourne and two state MP’s.

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