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Construction PRO
Shine blames delays in class action settlement approval for 90% profit drop
Article 2023-08-29 11:03 pm By Christine Caulfield

Delays in court approval of settlements in their pelvic mesh class actions against US giants Johnson & Johnson and Boston Scientific have been blamed for Shine Lawyers’ 89.39 per cent decline in net profits for 2023.

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Star Entertainment racked up $600M in legal, regulatory bills
ASIC 2023-08-29 11:50 pm By Sam Matthews

Star Entertainment coughed up $595 million in regulatory and legal costs in the 2023 financial year, as it faces ongoing disputes with ASIC and AUSTRAC and an $80 million class action.

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Construction PRO
Aged pensioner can’t revive class action against Social Services
Appeals 2023-08-28 11:42 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A self-represented aged pensioner has lost his bid to revive a class action against the Department of Social Services over its real estate asset testing for pensions, with a judge saying that a legal practitioner must represent group members. 

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MP Rebekha Sharkie accused of bullying in employment suit
Ashurst 2023-08-23 11:53 pm By Sam Matthews

South Australian MP Rebekha Sharkie has been hit with an employment suit by a former staffer who says she was subjected to “a course of bullying behaviour” by the MP that culminated in a stress-related hospitalisation and left her unable to work.

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With settlement attempts a bust, Navy training class action goes to referee
Article 2023-08-23 4:43 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A referee will calculate individual damages for 290 former Royal Australian Navy sailors after failed attempts at a settlement in a class action against the Department of Defence, in which a judge ruled the government owed compensation.

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Competition taskforce to consider merger law overhaul
Competition & Consumer Protection 2023-08-23 3:10 pm By Sam Matthews

The federal government has announced a new competition taskforce supported by a former ACCC chair that will look into reforms of the country’s merger laws, market concentration and non-compete employee clauses.

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‘Universally lauded’: Stephen Gageler appointed High Court’s next top judge
Business of Law 2023-08-22 11:06 am By Cindy Cameronne

The legal community has welcomed the appointment of Justice Stephen Gageler to be the 14th chief justice of the High Court, praising the judge for his “deep humanity” and unmatchable expertise in constitutional law.

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Lawyers praise ‘exceptional’ new High Court justice
Business of Law 2023-08-22 2:51 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The legal sector has welcomed NSW Supreme Court Justice Robert Beech-Jones’ elevation to the highest court in Australia, with former colleagues noting his legal acumen and generosity.

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NSW Law Society throws support behind Voice
New South Wales 2023-08-18 10:39 pm By Sam Matthews

In a unanimous decision, the Council of the Law Society of NSW has become the latest lawyers’ body to lend its support to the Voice.

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Jones Day snags M&A lawyer from Latham & Watkins
Business of Law 2023-08-17 11:34 am By Cindy Cameronne

Jones Day has added a corporate transactions counsel who spent 12 years working in New York, most recently at Latham & Watkins LLP, to join its Sydney team. 

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