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Reckitt can’t ban P&G TV ad in dish detergent dust-up
Article 2018-03-27 9:30 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

Reckitt Benckiser Australia has lost a bid for an interim ban on a commercial by rival Procter & Gamble that claims Fairy Platinum dishwashing detergent is better than RBA’s Finish Quantum detergent, with a judge ruling the scientific evidence backs up the claim.

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Domino’s scraps plans for new enterprise agreement
Article 2018-03-26 8:10 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

Domino’s Pizza has dropped its pursuit of a new enterprise bargaining agreement and will leave employees on the fast food industry award, the company said Monday.

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High Court refuses Newcastle port appeal in access dispute
Appeals 2018-03-26 7:27 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

The High Court of Australia has rejected an appeal by the Port of Newcastle to overturn a decision that declared the shipping channel at the port and gave the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission regulatory power to settle access disputes.

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DibbsBarker to close up shop following Dentons deal
Article 2018-03-22 10:11 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

DibbsBarker is closing its doors after signing a deal that will see 17 partners and support staff move to Dentons, the world’s largest firm.

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Souvenir supplier sold fake Aboriginal art, ACCC says
Article 2018-03-22 1:16 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

The ACCC has accused an Aboriginal art and souvenir supplier of sourcing its products from Indonesia but falsely claiming they were made or hand painted in Australia by Indigenous people.

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Viagogo knew ‘from the outset’ how much it charged customers, ACCC says
Article 2018-03-21 11:03 am By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

Viagogo could calculate from the start of the booking process how much it would charge in booking and handling fees for event tickets, but kept customers in the dark, the ACCC said in a recent court document, rebutting the online ticket reseller’s defense in the consumer regulator’s case.

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High Court to hear Google defamation case Tuesday
Article 2018-03-19 10:21 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

Whether Google is liable as a publisher for defamatory content that pops up in search engine results is the question before the High Court on Tuesday, and the answer could drastically alter the way large Internet companies do business.

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Telstra, Vodafone settle Voxson infringement suit over GPS patent
Article 2018-03-19 1:14 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

Telstra and Vodafone have reached a mid-trial deal to end an infringement case alleging use of GPS technology by the telcos to track customer phones violates a 1994 patent.

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Judge oks S&P deal in Lifeplan case, as another trial kicks off
Article 2018-03-19 12:19 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

As trial enters its second week in a landmark case against S&P Global, a judge has signed off on a settlement of a separate class action against the U.S. credit ratings agency over its alleged role in the global financial crisis.

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BHP should have considered other work for miner: FWC
Article 2018-03-15 10:21 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

A BHP subsidiary acted unreasonably when it failed to consider alternative work for an incapacitated employee and instead sent him home without pay for three weeks, a Fair Work Commissioner has found.

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