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Brennar resigns, GC out amid Clayton Utz report controversy
Article 2018-04-30 12:01 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

AMP’s chairwoman Catherine Brennar has resigned and the firm’s general counsel has left, as the company faces possible criminal charges for misleading the corporate regulator over its decade-long practice of charging undue fees to clients.

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Ex-CEO of Snowy 2.0 project says warrants in bribery case ‘defective’
Allens 2018-04-27 10:41 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

The former CEO of the lead contractor on the Snowy Hydro 2.0 project now facing corruption charges was the target of Australian Federal Police search warrants that were “too broad” to be sufficient, the Federal Court was told on Friday.

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ACTU wants new powers for workplace umpire
Article 2018-04-27 9:46 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

Unions are calling for the Fair Work Commission to be given the authority to arbitrate industrial disputes and become a “one-stop shop” for workplace grievances.

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Judge won’t give Sexpo early peek of docs in consumer case
Article 2018-04-26 11:38 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

A judge has denied an attempt by adult exhibition operator Sexpo to gain pre-litigation access to documents held by members of a movement that last year linked the exhibition to child pornography, saying Sexpo had not establish a belief that the statements damaged its reputation.  

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Clayton Utz instructions from AMP irrelevant, legal experts say
Class Actions 2018-04-26 4:40 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

Clayton Utz’s public statements referencing its terms of engagement with AMP in drafting an independent report are irrelevant if it knew the document was destined for the corporate regulator, legal experts say, and transcripts from the Royal Commission suggest the law firm did know.

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Gram Engineering wins $2M in design patent case
Article 2018-04-24 6:24 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Sydney

Bluescope Steel has been ordered to pay over $2 million to fencing manufacturer Gram Engineering after the Federal Court ruled Bluescope infringed Gram’s registered design for a fencing panel sheet.

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ASIC loses appeal in Oil-for-Food case against AWB exec
Article 2018-04-24 12:52 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has lost its appeal in a case against a former Australian Wheat Board senior executive over an alleged kickback scam in relation to the United Nation’s Oil-for-Food programme.

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Union can’t stall case over picketing at robo-terminal
Article 2018-04-23 10:40 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

A judge has shot down a union bid to stall a lawsuit over picketing at the new ‘robo’ terminal in Port Melbourne pending the outcome of an appeal challenging the merger of the CFMEU with two other unions.

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Under fire, Clayton Utz denies AMP report was compromised
Article 2018-04-23 2:54 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

Facing demands for answers and a call to be suspended from government contract work, Clayton Utz has finally spoken out over its role in the scandal embroiling AMP.

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Toll lawyer slams ‘rehash’ of landmark employment case
Article 2018-04-20 10:26 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

A Toll freight handler who last year won the right to convert from a casual to full-time job in a precedent-setting ruling has taken the company to court again for not complying with the ruling, but a lawyer for Toll Transport on Friday argued the action was nothing but an attempt to relitigate the earlier case, which saw Toll pay $42,500 in penalties.

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