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PwC can’t ‘rout’ documents through ‘postbox’ lawyer to secure privilege, court finds
Accounting 2022-04-06 5:52 pm By Miklos Bolza

Advice from non-lawyers and “routed” through a legal practitioner at multidisciplinary partnership PricewaterhouseCoopers cannot be shielded under legal professional privilege, the Federal Court has found.

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PwC can’t claim privilege over all advice to JBS, judge finds
Accounting 2022-03-25 10:57 am By Miklos Bolza

A judge has rejected the Australian Taxation Office’s claim that legal professional privilege does not apply to any communications between PricewaterhouseCoopers and its client, meat processor JBS, but has found that many of the reviewed documents do not satisfy the test of privilege.

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ATO hits back at Pepsico lawsuit over Schweppes bottling payments
ATO 2022-03-25 9:31 pm By Miklos Bolza

A notice issued to Pepsico demanding royalty withholding tax over bottling payments made by Schweppes correctly notified the soft drink giant of its tax liability, the Australian Taxation Office has said.

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SingTel can’t salvage $190,000 in transfer pricing deductions on $14.2B Optus buy
ATO 2022-03-24 4:44 pm By Miklos Bolza

SingTel has been blocked from making $190,000 in tax deductions after the Australian Taxation Office won its Federal Court case against the Singaporean teleco over transfer pricing benefits related to the $14.2 billion acquisition of Optus.

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High Court won’t save Lex Greensill from tax on $58M in capital gains
Appeals 2022-02-24 2:19 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The High Court has shot down Greensill founder Lex Greensill’s bid for special leave to challenge a finding that he owes tax on $58 million in capital gains, including income from the sale of shares in the collapsed UK-based supply chain finance company.

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PepsiCo takes ATO to court for taxing bottling payments by Schweppes
ATO 2022-02-23 3:30 pm By Miklos Bolza

PepsiCo has launched proceedings disputing claims by the Australian Taxation Office that amounts paid by Schweppes for local bottling and distribution services were royalties and had to be taxed accordingly.

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Shell wins more in ATO appeal over $2.3B gas exploration deduction
Alain Musikanth 2022-01-27 6:00 pm By Bianca Hrovat

An appeals court has unanimously rejected the Commissioner of Taxation’s latest bid to block Shell’s $2.3 billion tax deduction for the cost of exploration activities conducted as part of the Browse LNG project off the coast of Western Australia.

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ExxonMobil takes $182M dispute with ATO to court
Allens 2022-01-17 5:58 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Oil company ExxonMobil has appealed decisions by the Australian Taxation Office to refuse deductions on profits from the sale of petrol from the largest oil field in Australia, claiming its taxable profits over four years should be reduced by $181.8 million.

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Airbnb host loses bid for Jobkeeper payments
ATO 2022-01-13 1:05 pm By Bianca Hrovat

An Airbnb host’s claim for JobKeeper payments has been shot down, with a tribunal saying the accommodation of paying guests at one’s own home did not constitute a business.

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Mylan Australia challenges ATO decision over $1.2B Alphapharm deal
ATO 2022-01-11 2:54 pm By Christine Caulfield

Mylan’s Australia unit is appealing decisions by the tax office to refuse deductions on interest paid under loans taken out by the pharmaceutical giant to help fund the $1.2 billion acquisition of generic drug maker Alphapharm almost 15 years ago.

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