The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has appealed a judgment that found its case alleging Retail Foods Group misled franchisees should be run using a sample of stores.
Campervan company Apollo has offered to divest 80 per cent of its motorhome rental fleet in Australia to win ACCC approval for its tie-up with New Zealand competitor THL.
Mercedes-Benz has been hit with $12.5 million in penalties for failing to use attention capturing, high impact language when communicating with customers about a compulsory recall of potentially deadly Takata airbags.
Online book retailer Booktopia has agreed to a $6 million penalty to resolve action brought by the consumer regulator alleging its refund policy was misleading.
Builder J Hutchinson and the CFMEU have been fined a combined $1.35 million for entered into an anti-competitive agreement to boycott an independent subcontractor at a construction site in Brisbane.
Spirit Super and Palisade Investment Partners have withdrawn their $1.2 billion bid to acquire the Port of Geelong after the ACCC said the deal could substantially lessen competition in Victoria for the supply of bulk cargo port services.
Mercedes-Benz will face a penalty in ACCC proceedings alleging the luxury car maker exposed consumers to serious injury or death by failing to comply with obligations under a compulsory recall of potentially deadly Takata airbags.
A judge has ordered that the ACCC’s case alleging Retail Food Group misled franchisees be run on a sample basis, saying the regulator’s opposition to the idea “smacks of a lack of confidence in its own case.”
The ACCC has raised concerns that Qantas’ proposed acquisition of Brisbane-based regional airline Alliance Aviation Services could harm competition in the market for flights for fly-in, fly-out workers.
Waste company Bingo Industries has pleaded guilty to fixing prices for demolition waste services in Sydney, following an industry-wide investigation by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.