Ferroglobe has claimed a Queensland technology company used its confidential information in new patent applications, as the global specialty metals producer races to protect its IP before the applications are published.
A judge has allowed the applicants in a class action against a law firm extra time to file evidence after the death of the solicitor on record, despite protests from the firm, which is accused in the case of liability for the alleged fraud of a former employee.
Jones Day has recruited White & Case lawyer Kathryn Sutherland-Smith for the firm’s business restructuring & reorganization practice in Sydney.
A junior doctor representing thousands of medical officers in NSW has thwarted an application by the state to declass her group proceeding, with a judge saying a “single determination” of the issues common to all group members was the most efficient way of resolving them.
A court has found that residents living near an allegedly loud and foul-smelling Graincorp oilseed factory in rural Victoria can band together to bring a class action suit.
Willis Australia has won an appeal against its landlord, AMP Capital, with a court ruling the insurance broker is entitled to withdraw notice it gave in December 2019 to renew its office lease.
A court has ordered Google to provide former Victorian Labor candidate Nurul Khan with account information and IP addresses relating to an anonymous email sent to the ALP last November, which led to his disendorsement by the party just two weeks before the state election.
Hancock Prospecting can’t challenge an order that documents produced in arbitration are fair game, as the mining company’s chief, Gina Rinehart, battles her children in a trial over ownership of a valuable tenement set to start Monday.
A Sydney solicitor has lost a 10-year-old dispute with a former client over fees, after unsuccessfully claiming a cost assessor’s conduct in issuing multiple preliminary cost certificates ran afoul of the Legal Profession Act.
Infant formula maker Care A2 Plus has lost a bid for a freezing order against the former chief financial officer of Sports Flick as it appeals a finding she had no involvement in a fellow executive’s “deceitful” scheme over a $5 million World Cup streaming deal.