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Ex-Amobee boss who hid affair with underling can sue for disability discrimination by association
Anna Perigo 2022-08-03 5:56 pm By Sam Matthews Melbourne

A former managing director of adtech company Amobee can proceed with a complaint of disability discrimination by association, after he was fired for failing to disclose a relationship with an employee who suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder after a sexual assault by a senior executive.

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A ‘futile exercise’: Palmer, McGowan win chump change in costly defamation battle
Bret Walker 2022-08-02 2:44 pm By Sam Matthews Melbourne

A court has awarded Western Australia premier Mark McGowan and mining billionaire Clive Palmer paltry sums in their defamation battle, with a judge finding that Palmer suffered “very little damage” to his reputation.

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Lawyer ‘driven by greed and ego’ struck from roll after buying 1,000 client files
Legal Ethics 2022-07-28 4:08 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A Melbourne lawyer “driven by his own greed and ego” should be struck from the roll for at least nine years for grossly overcharged his clients and being “professionally dishonourable, blatantly dishonest and deceitful”, VCAT has found.

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Piper Alderman nabs litigation partner from Mills Oakley
Business of Law 2022-07-28 1:12 pm By Christine Caulfield

Piper Alderman has recruited a former Mills Oakley partner to join its commercial litigation practice in Perth.

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Mineralogy can’t take royalties dispute with Adani to court
Alexander Law 2022-07-26 2:57 pm By Sam Matthews Melbourne

Clive Palmer’s mining company Mineralogy has lost a bid to stay an expert determination process in a royalties dispute with Adani, with a judge ruling that the court should not “lightly disregard” decisions to resolve disputes by expert determination rather than court-based litigation.

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Lane Cove tunnel operator can add claims to $300M case against builders
Allens 2022-07-25 11:18 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has granted a bid by the operator of Sydney’s billion-dollar Lane Cove tunnel to add a new claim in the five-year-old dispute alleging the concrete lining used in construction was defective.

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Class action filed over strip searches at NSW music festivals
Class Actions 2022-07-22 12:16 pm By Christine Caulfield

The state of NSW faces a class action over police strip searches at music festivals that is calling for aggravated and exemplary damages for the “invasive and unlawful” treatment of hundreds of festivalgoers.

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Family who forged will of ‘worst landlord’ still at loggerheads over properties
Estates 2022-07-21 10:33 pm By Sam Matthews Melbourne

A judge has flagged the “regrettable” prospect of further litigation in relation the estate of  Melbourne businessman Frank Cassar, following a finding that Cassar’s will was forged in a conspiracy by his widow, daughter and son who feared losing his multimillion-dollar business empire after his death.

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Funder wants $13.2M commission from confidential Opal Tower class action settlement
Alexander Barnett 2022-07-20 1:06 pm By Christine Caulfield

Although the settlement sum has not been disclosed, court documents in the Opal Tower class action reveal the litigation funder backing the case will seek $13.2 million in commission when the parties appear before the court later this year.

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Barristers’ clerk with COVID-19 was fired for working from home: lawsuit
Coronavirus 2022-07-18 11:33 am By Cindy Cameronne Sydney

A Melbourne-based barristers’ clerk has filed a lawsuit alleging her employment was terminated after she asked to work from home to manage her disability and was absent from work due to COVID-19 complications.

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