AUSTRAC has filed Federal Court action against Star Entertainment, alleging “widespread and serious non-compliance” with anti-money laundering laws.
A court has rejected the plans of a Clive Palmer-owned mining company to dig a coalmine in central Queensland, finding the mine would infringe on the human rights of First Nations people and future generations of Queenslanders, and contribute to “foreseeable and preventable life terminating harm”.
Insurer Allianz has lost its bid to claw back millions in performance bonds provided to collapsed building company Probuild in relation to works at a $1 billion development in the Melbourne CBD.
A judge has approved a $1 million penalty against Queensland crane company NQ Cranes for engaging in a conspiracy with a multinational rival to divide the Brisbane and Newcastle markets.
The West Australian government has flagged a bid to scuttle mining magnate Clive Palmer’s latest lawsuit claiming he can sue the state for up to $30 billion over mining tenements in the Pilbara.
A group of Lloyd’s underwriters are off the hook for financial services company EP Financial Services’ costs in an lawsuit over allegedly negligent financial advice, after an appeals court found the exclusions under the policy were valid.
Avant Insurance has lost its bid to challenge a ruling which put it on the hook for indemnifying a plastic surgeon in class action proceedings over allegedly botched breast augmentations at a defunct NSW clinic.
The operator of the Royal Perth Hospital has brought legal action against Griffith Hack alleging the law firm contributed to the “dishonest and fraudulent design” of a leading researcher to transfer the intellectual property rights to a stem cell manufacturing method developed inhouse.
A judge has thrown out proceedings brought by mining magnate Clive Palmer in which he alleged an abuse of process by prosecutors and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, finding that Palmer’s suits were themselves a “misuse of proceedings.”
A solicitor of a national law firm has been reprimanded after falsely representing that the firm acted for her partner in a property dispute over $1,000.