The High Court has granted special leave to Irish insurer Zurich to challenge a decision allowing a class action over an allegedly defective New Zealand apartment block to proceed in the NSW Supreme Court.
The litigation funder bankrolling a class action on behalf of 383 apartment owners in Sydney’s troubled Opal Tower is seeking a 26 per cent commission totalling $13.2 million of the confidential settlement sum, a court has heard.
Following the lead of its Victorian counterpart, the NSW Supreme Court has found that law firm Atanaskovic Hartnell cannot recover costs in self-represented litigation against a former client over unpaid legal invoices.
A judge has ordered the estate of Giovanna Toppi to pay money owing to a landlord under a $1.1 million loan after refusing to find the iconic Sydney restaurateur was the victim of wrongdoing by her daughter, Paola.
The New South Wales government has rejected a class action’s claims that it dropped the ball in relation to the identification and management of underground utilities which caused delays in Sydney’s $3 billion light rail project.
The former director of investment management fund Courtenay House has pleaded guilty to five criminal charges after an ASIC investigation revealed he duped 585 investors in a $180 million Ponzi scheme.
A class action on behalf of 3,500 business owners along Sydney’s light rail route has told a court that group members bore the brunt of the project’s delayed construction, described as “a train wreck which could be predicted from a mile away”.
A top orthopaedic surgeon and former NSW Australian of the year has sued Channel Nine and Fairfax for defamation over a recent 60 Minutes episode and articles that appeared in The Age and the Sydney Morning Herald.
A judge has found that the University of Sydney unlawfully terminated the employment of a political economy lecturer who was fired for conduct that included showing students a slide of a Nazi swastika superimposed on the Israeli flag.
A judge has cast doubt on whether a class action against the state of NSW over police strip searches at 50 music festivals should be run as a representative proceeding, telling the state to decide whether to file a de-classing application “sooner rather than later”.