Hungry Jack’s faces calls for a court injunction preventing the burger chain from proceeding with plans to open restaurants in close proximity to a franchisee’s sites on NSW’s Central Coast.
A class action against SA Power over a 2019 bushfire in the Adelaide Hills has dodged the energy company’s belated bid for security.
A solicitor who sought to frustrate a legal complaint body’s investigation into correspondence sent on his firm’s letterhead is not fit to practice, a state tribunal has found.
Independent Sydney MP Alex Greenwich, who is suing politician Mark Latham over a homophobic social media post, claims the One Nation NSW leader’s defence has aggravated his damages by relying on a “disgraceful” gay stereotype.
Aiming to become the “undisputed market leader” in investment funds, Hall & Wilcox has brought on the team at boutique law firm McMahon Clarke.
A judge has approved a bid to consolidate two shareholder class actions against Medibank over a cyberattack that affected 10 million customers, finding that having two firms on the record is better than a carriage contest.
The receivers of Melissa Caddick’s estate have reached an in-principle agreement with the Sydney frauster’s husband and son in relation to the division of a small number of remaining assets.
Disgraced Banksia class action barrister Norman O’Bryan has been struck from the roll of legal practitioners in South Australia for his part in what has been described as the darkest chapter in Victoria’s legal history.
The state of New South Wales will face a class action on behalf of inmates of the Dillwynia Women’s Correctional Centre who were abused by former correctional officer Wayne Astill.
ANZ has lodged an application asking the Australian Competition Tribunal to reverse the competition regulator’s rejection of its $4.9 billion tie-up with Queensland-based Suncorp.