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Funder may walk if 40% group costs order rejected in Arrium class action
Ashurst 2022-02-22 9:33 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

A funder that’s helping foot the bill in a class action against Arrium’s former directors and KPMG may withdraw support if the law firm that’s running it is not granted an order awarding it 40 per cent of any award or settlement.

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Virgin Australia may face class action over 2019 prospectus
Class Actions 2022-02-22 6:55 pm By Sam Matthews Melbourne

Virgin Australia is facing a shareholder class action investigation over representations made in a 2019 prospectus for a capital raising to fund its $700 million acquisition of the Velocity loyalty program, issued six months before the airline filed for administration.

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GetSwift appeals judgment scathing of ‘PR-driven’ approach to disclosures
Alan Shearer 2022-02-22 10:28 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

Logistics company GetSwift and its directors are appealing a win for ASIC in the regulator’s case that alleged they breached their continuous disclosure obligations and engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct in the release of 22 ASX announcements.

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High Court to hear BHP challenge to foreign investors in class action
Alistair Pound 2022-02-18 10:59 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

BHP Group has been granted special leave from the High Court to appeal a ruling that rejected its bid to exclude foreign investors from a shareholder class action over the 2015 Fundao dam disaster.

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New funder signs on for Mesoblast shareholder class action
Class Actions 2022-02-18 10:58 am By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

A new funder is backing a shareholder class action that will be brought against Australian regenerative medicine company Mesoblast over disclosures related to its Remestemcel-L treatment for COVID-19 complications.

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Settlement in GetSwift shareholder class action off the table for now
Alan Shearer 2022-02-17 5:00 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

A settlement in a shareholder class action against GetSwift has collapsed as the logistics company seeks to secure financing to keep it afloat and pay the final portion of the deal’s $1.5 million cash component.

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High Court says class action shareholders can quiz directors of failed companies
Arnold Bloch Leibler 2022-02-16 10:27 am By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

In a boost to securities class actions, the High Court has ruled that directors of collapsed companies can be subjected to public examination by shareholders wanting to bring civil proceedings.

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CBA class action preps for class closure nod from Full Court
Appeals 2022-02-16 12:52 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

Lawyers leading a class action against the Commonwealth Bank over its alleged money laundering compliance failures are getting their ducks in a row in the event the Full Court rules the court has the power to shut out unregistered group members from a class action.

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GetSwift class action settlement at risk as financial position in doubt
Alan Shearer 2022-02-14 10:20 am By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

A settlement agreement in a shareholder class action against GetSwift may be scrapped as the applicant seeks more information as to whether the logistics company is solvent or about to go under.

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Iluka Resources judgment shows shareholder class actions not mere cheque writing exercise
Class Actions 2022-02-14 4:19 pm By WP Creative

The Federal Court’s recent dismissal of a class action against Iluka Resources provides assurance to companies and their D&O insurers that shareholder class actions are not necessarily merely a cheque writing exercise and that robust defences will be accepted by the courts, says Clyde & Co partner Patrick Boardman.

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