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Banksia class action funder’s assets likely exceed $19M owing investors
Class Actions 2023-05-22 11:11 pm By Christine Caulfield

The value of assets held by companies linked to the late Banksia Securities class action funder is expected to top the $19 million owing on a court judgment against the fraudster and his c0-conspirators.

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Linchpin class action concerned about ‘authenticity’ of evidence for trial
ASIC 2023-05-17 1:33 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The applicant in an investor class action over the collapse of advisory firm Linchpin Capital and Endeavour Securities has raised concerns about the authenticity of Linchpin’s business records, which it wants to put into evidence at trial in two months.

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Court tosses conviction of Fly365 director, says case ‘doomed to fail’
Andrew Fernon 2023-05-17 2:08 pm By Sam Matthews

A court has tossed a conviction secured in ASIC’s case against a director of collapsed flight booking platform Fly365, saying the case was “doomed to failure.”

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Lenders of collapsed Arrium lose appeal over directors’ loan drawdowns
Amy Munro 2023-05-10 12:23 pm By Sam Matthews

Commonwealth Bank and other lenders of failed steel giant Arrium have lost a second attempt to put two of the company’s directors on the hook for alleged misleading representations on loan drawdown notices ahead of its $2.8 billion collapse.

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Hastie liquidators appeal dismissal of $63M case against major builders
Adele Carr 2023-05-08 3:59 pm By Sam Matthews

The liquidators of failed engineering company Hastie Group have appealed a decision that knocked out half its $120 million case against Multiplex, Lendlease and numerous other builders.

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Barrister’s $320,000 bill set aside as appeals court takes ‘purposive approach’ to disclosure rules
Appeals 2023-05-05 12:40 pm By Sam Matthews

An appeals court has set aside a barrister’s $320,000 bill for a case initially estimated to cost $60,000 in counsel fees, applying a “purposive approach” to the rules governing lawyers’ disclosure obligations.

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Atradius can’t bring late $1.5B claim over Arrium administration
Alexander Di Stefano 2023-05-03 10:25 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Insurer Atradius has lost its bid to bring a $1.5 billion (US$1 billion) case against four KordaMentha liquidators and 60 financiers of the Arrium group alleging they failed to act under a duty of utmost good faith when agreeing on how to divvy up sale proceeds for several entities.

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Cost of independent counsel to advise on Banksia silk’s $1.25M offer ‘can’t be justified’, court says
Class Actions 2023-05-02 11:07 pm By Christine Caulfield

The Victoria Supreme Court will not appoint a contradictor to weigh in on the reasonableness of a $1.25 million settlement offered by companies associated with the wife of a once prominent silk struck from the roll over the Banksia Securities class action scandal.

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Inquiry called by Melissa Caddick’s parents ‘hanging over receivers like a threat’, court told
ASIC 2023-04-28 3:39 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The parents of Sydney fraudster Melissa Caddick will seek an inquiry into whether receivers of her property have acted faithfully in managing the assets.

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Class action argues fraud exception makes Norton Rose, Deloitte emails fair game
Allens 2023-04-26 11:47 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A class action over the collapse of Walton Construction has argued the National Australia Bank cannot shield communications with Norton Rose Fulbright and Deloitte because they were made to further a fraud or otherwise had an illegal or improper purpose.

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