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14 million customer records stolen in Latitude cyberattack
Financial Services 2023-03-27 2:39 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The drivers licence numbers of close to 8 million people and more than 6 million other records were stolen in a cyberattack on Latitude Financial, which the non-bank lender originally estimated had affected around 325,000 customer records.

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‘Large-scale information theft’: Latitude cyberattack worse than first reported
Financial Services 2023-03-22 4:06 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A cyberattack on Latitude Financial appears worse than first reported, with the non-bank lender revealing the data of current and former customers as well as applicants across Australia and New Zealand has been affected.

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IPH, Latitude Financial latest victims of cyberattacks
Financial Services 2023-03-16 9:55 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

IPH Limited, which owns IP firms Spruson & Ferguson and Griffith Hack, and lender Latitude Financial have become the latest victims of cyberattacks, with the latter revealing the personal data of hundreds of thousands of customers has been stolen.

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Facebook to cop penalty in ACCC case over ‘misleading’ data protection app
ACCC 2023-03-10 3:20 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Facebook will face a penalty in the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s case alleging it misled consumers by representing that its discontinued Onavo Protect mobile app would keep users’ personal activity data private.

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High Court revokes special leave in Facebook’s challenge to data breach case
Appeals 2023-03-07 11:33 pm By Christine Caulfield

The High Court has revoked special leave to Facebook to challenge a case by the privacy commissioner, finding that the social media giant’s grounds of appeal no longer involved issues of public importance.

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Medibank foreshadows stay bid as second class action looms
Baker McKenzie 2023-02-16 1:19 pm By Sam Matthews

Australia’s largest private health insurer Medibank has flagged an application to stay a landmark data breach class action filed in the Federal Court, as another law firm mulls a class action over the massive breach.

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Consumers would have right to sue for privacy breaches under proposed reforms
OAIC 2023-02-16 10:04 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The Attorney-General has proposed an overhaul of Australia’s privacy laws that would allow consumers to sue for Privacy Act breaches and bring in an EU-style right to be forgotten.

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Medibank class action to test whether data breach claims ‘worth the candle’
Analysis 2023-02-10 11:50 pm By Sam Matthews

A landmark Federal Court class action against private health insurer Medibank will be a test case for when privacy claims can sidestep the regulatory path, and whether group members can prove they suffered loss from exposure of their data.

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Medibank hit with Federal Court class action over massive data breach
Baker McKenzie 2023-02-07 2:26 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Australia’s largest private health insurer Medibank is facing a class action over a data breach that affected close to 10 million customers.

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Law firms team up in class action-style complaint over Medibank data breach
Bannister Law 2023-01-16 2:15 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Three class action law firms have joined forces to run a landmark data breach complaint against Medibank, seeking compensation for up to 9.7 million affected customers. 

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