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Class action investigation underway over Service NSW data breach
Centennial Lawyers 2021-04-21 10:19 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

The law firm behind Australia’s first privacy class action is investigating a class action over the Service NSW data breach that exposed the personal and health information of over 100,000 people.

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In landmark ruling, government ordered to pay asylum seekers for mass data breach
OAIC 2021-01-27 3:32 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

The Federal government could be on the hook for millions in compensation to almost 1,300 asylum seekers following a ruling by the Privacy Commissioner that the government interfered with refugee privacy by publicly disclosing personal information, the first finding in a representative action that individuals affected by a data breach are entitled to compensation for non-economic loss.

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Kogan fined $310,800 for violating spam laws
ACCC 2021-01-20 9:24 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

Online retailer Kogan has been fined $310,800 for sending marketing emails to more than 42 million consumers without an easy way to unsubscribe, in violation of spam laws.

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CBA sued for conspiracy to misuse private bank account details in dismissal wrangle
CBA 2021-01-19 6:38 pm By Spencer Fowler Steen Melbourne

The Commonwealth Bank of Australia has been sued for conspiracy to misuse private information and bank account details in an unfair dismissal case brought by the director and former employee of a Melbourne financial services provider.

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Government kicks off review into privacy law overhaul
ACCC 2020-10-30 10:40 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

The Attorney-General’s office has begun its review into whether the Privacy Act is fit for the digital age, including whether the law should be changed to allow consumers to bring lawsuits, including class actions, for privacy breaches.

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Noni B owner fights ACMA bid for docs over potential Spam Act violations
ACMA 2020-10-12 2:20 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

Mosaic Brands has taken the Australian Communications and Media Authority to court, alleging a request for documents based on suspected Spam Act violations is invalid.

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Google fires back at ACCC data collection suit, says it sought ‘explicit consent in plain terms’
ACCC 2020-09-29 4:51 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

Google has rejected claims by the ACCC that it tricked consumers into agreeing to expanded collection of their personal data, saying that it instead sought “explicit consent” from users through an “easy-to-understand opt-in consent mechanism”.

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Facebook tries again to dodge privacy lawsuit in Australia
Clarissa Amato 2020-09-29 1:04 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

Facebook will press on with its argument that it can’t be sued in Australia by the country’s privacy commissioner for alleged disclosure of users’ personal data, after a judge found there was enough evidence the social media giant conducted business in the country by installing and operating cookies on the devices of Australia users.

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Facebook can’t escape privacy action with jurisdiction argument
Australian Government Solicitor 2020-09-14 2:33 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

Facebook’s argument that it can’t be sued by the privacy commissioner in Australia has fallen flat, with a judge rejecting the social media giant’s application to dismiss enforcement action brought in March over the disclosure of users’ personal data.

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ASIC hits IOOF subsidiary with action over cyber security failings
ASIC 2020-08-21 1:45 pm By Christine Caulfield Sydney

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has launched proceedings against a subsidiary of wealth manager IOOF over its alleged failure to have adequate cyber security systems in place.

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