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GSK narrowly defeats ACCC’s case over revised Osteo Gel packaging
Bird & Bird 2019-05-17 11:44 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

GlaxoSmithKline has defeated claims by the ACCC that revised packaging for its now-discontinued pain killer Osteo Gel misled consumers. The drug maker will face penalties for earlier violations it admitted to, but the court hinted the damages will be nowhere near the $6 million competitor Reckitt Benckiser faced in a similar case.

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Microsoft can’t get ‘free hand’ to change case in re-trial of IP spat, judge says
Andrew Fox 2019-05-17 11:11 pm By Christine Caulfield

A judge has rejected an application by Microsoft to add a claim to its intellectual property dispute with a Melbourne computer retailer after the software giant’s $2.8 million win was overturned as “regrettable” and the case sent back for re-trial.

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Jack de Belin weighs appeal as judge upholds NRL’s stand-down rule
Alan Sullivan 2019-05-17 8:55 pm By Amelia Birnie

Rugby league player Jack de Belin is weighing an appeal after losing his court challenge to the NRL’s “no fault” stand-down rule, while the players’ representative body considers a collective dispute under the Fair Work Act.

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Court approves investors’ takeover of Angas Securities
Article 2019-05-17 8:49 pm By Miklos Bolza

The Federal Court has approved a scheme of arrangement which will see investors take a 70 per cent stake in troubled fund manager Angas Securities, receiving a possible $52.2 million in shares and other assets.

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Lecturer sacked over swastika drops political opinion claim against University of Sydney
Ashurst 2019-05-17 8:35 pm By Miklos Bolza

A former political economy lecturer who was fired from the University of Sydney for a seminar slide that imposed the Nazi swastika on the Israeli flag has narrowed his case against his old employer, dropping allegations he was unlawfully terminated for expressing his political opinion.

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Ex-partner files sex discrimination lawsuit after leaving national firm
Bronwyn Byrnes 2019-05-17 7:49 pm By Amelia Birnie

A former employment law partner at a national Australian law firm is suing her former employer for sex discrimination, after her original complaint was thrown out by the Human Rights Commission.

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BASF sues to stamp out alleged infringement of termite control patent
Intellectual Property 2019-05-17 2:41 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Chemicals giant BASF has dragged an Australian pest control company to court for allegedly violating its patent for an underground termite control system.

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Facebook, Instagram to fight misuse of market power case by social media startup
Competition & Consumer Protection 2019-05-17 2:27 pm By Christine Caulfield

Facebook and Instagram will defend against claims they misused their market power to block an Australian marketing startup from their platforms, saying the company – which sends scheduled social media posts for clients — had breached their terms of use.

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Pacific National’s undertaking better for rail competition, says judge in tossing ACCC case
Ashurst 2019-05-16 11:50 pm By Christine Caulfield

Potential new entrants to a major freight terminal in Queensland will be “better protected” by a last-minute promise by the terminal’s hopeful owner, Pacific National, than if the ACCC had succeeded in blocking the rail operator’s proposed $205 million acquisition, according to the judge who dismissed the competition watchdog’s case.  

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ACCC issues mea culpa after TPG, Vodafone merger gaffe
Article 2019-05-16 10:44 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has apologised for botching the announcement of its plan to block the $15 billion merger of TPG and Vodafone, blaming a computer glitch for the error.

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