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AMP settles contentious $2.7M legal battle with former GC
AMP 2020-10-07 3:35 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

AMP has settled legal proceedings brought by a former general counsel who claims she was sacked from the wealth management firm after raising concerns about its fees for no services conduct.

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Melbourne cafe files latest salvo in dispute over $1M legal bill
Business of Law 2020-10-07 3:09 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

The owner of Melbourne’s Barfly’s, which has been sued by its former law firm for unpaid fees relating to a $2.4 million settlement negotiated for the Flinders Street cafe in negligence proceedings, has raised questions about the nearly $1 million in fees charged by the firm and a barrister that worked on the case.

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Pitcher Partners says class, funder should foot the bill for flurry of cross-claims
Arnold Bloch Leibler 2020-10-07 2:16 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

Pitcher Partners says the lead applicant in a discontinued class action over its auditing of Slater and Gordon should cover the costs for cross-claims it brought against nine parties, including the law firm and several of its former directors.

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Melbourne solicitor hits Nine with defamation lawsuit over Gatto photo
Defamation 2020-10-07 12:29 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

A Melbourne-based solicitor has filed a defamation lawsuit against Nine Entertainment over a photograph used in an article about underworld figure Mick Gatto.

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HR company loses fight with tax office after paying debt with wrong EFT number
Adam Gerard 2020-10-06 9:36 pm By Christine Caulfield Sydney

The director of a defunct HR company has lost his bid to avoid paying a $384,000 tax bill after hundreds of thousands of dollars were sent to the tax office via the wrong EFT number and used to repay other debts the company owed.

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Qantas had no choice but to stand down engineers during COVID-19 pandemic, court says
Coronavirus 2020-10-06 4:36 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

Qantas has praised a Federal Court judgment ruling that the airline had no “genuine choice” other than standing down its workers during the COVID-19 pandemic, saying the judgment was a “victory for common sense”.

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Lawyer Alex Elliott was ‘de facto’ solicitor for Banksia class action, judge told
Arnold Bloch Leibler 2020-10-06 4:09 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

Lawyer Alex Elliott was complicit in a plan by his late father to mislead the court and group members in the Banksia class action, to conceal conflicts of interest and to profit from the case at the expense of debenture holders, a judge has been told.

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‘That rare bird, the smoking gun’: Judge orders Minetek employee’s laptop searched for confidential info
Bird & Bird 2020-10-06 2:07 pm By Christine Caulfield Sydney

Engineering company Howden Australia can view the laptop and other electronic devices of an employee accused of stealing confidential information, after a judge found there was evidence suggesting the worker had not been “entirely truthful” with the court.

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Queensland flood dam operator wants info behind Maurice Blackburn’s damages claim
Class Actions 2020-10-06 12:31 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

Dam operator Sunwater wants evidence from Maurice Blackburn, the law firm behind the landmark Queensland flood class action, showing how the applicant will calculate aggregate damages for around 6,800 group members.

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IAG reaches $138M settlement in add-on insurance class action on eve of trial
Class Actions 2020-10-06 10:21 am By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

Insurance Australia Group will fork over $138 million to settle a class action brought against two subsidiaries alleging they engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct by pushing worthless insurance on motor vehicle purchasers.

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