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Daily Mail says Erin Molan has history of ‘objectively racist’ conduct
Clayton Utz 2020-10-14 12:31 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

The Daily Mail has fired back at a defamation lawsuit by sports broadcaster Erin Molan alleging its coverage of a remark she made during Nine’s Continuous Call radio program implied she was a racist, telling the court that Molan has a history of “objectively racist” conduct on air. 

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ACCC hits sporting goods supplier with resale price maintenance case
ACCC 2020-10-14 11:08 am By Cat Fredenburgh

The ACCC has taken a major wholesale supplier of sporting goods to court for allegedly setting minimum prices for cycling and sporting goods in its agreements with retailers.

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Piper Alderman admits partner told assistant ‘Go spend time with your kids’
Business of Law 2020-10-13 10:08 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

Piper Alderman has struck back at a sex discrimination lawsuit brought by a former administrative assistant, admitting that while a law firm partner did tell her to “go spend time with your kids” following a meeting in which she was made redundant, the comment had been taken out of context.

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Nine loses appeal of $3.7M defamation award over 60 Minutes floods report
Appeals 2020-10-13 5:16 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

The Nine Network has lost its challenge to a $3.7 million defamation judgment awarded to a prominent Queensland family over a 60 Minutes report that implied they were to blame for a 2011 flood event that killed 12 people.

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In plea to court, Mayfair’s Mawhinney tries to salvage Mission Beach investments
Ashurst 2020-10-13 3:43 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

The director of the besieged Mayfair investment group will submit a new noteholder proposal to the court in an effort to stave off the winding up of M101 Nominees and salvage his multi-million dollar Dunk Island and Mission Beach investments.

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S&P class action applicant wants to look at other applicant’s funding agreement
Banton Group 2020-10-13 3:27 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

One of the lead applicants in a class action against ratings giant S&P Global, which is involved in a dispute with the funder that’s backing the case, wants to look at the funding agreement signed by the class action’s other lead applicant.

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‘An act of bad faith’: Network Ten hit with indemnity costs after hiding defamation notice
Atkinson Vinden Lawyers 2020-10-13 12:37 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

A court has hit Network Ten with indemnity costs after finding the broadcaster “buried” a defamation notice on its website in a manner designed to “frustrate or undermine” a settlement agreement reached with a gay American social media personality.

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Boehringer appeals win for Merck in parasite patent spat
Appeals 2020-10-13 12:00 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Pharmaceutical company Boehringer Ingelheim will take another crack at opposing a patent application for an injectable anti-parasite drug for livestock by a subsidiary of competitor Merck Sharp & Dohme.

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Hiding name of buyer in Antares oil deal a breach of disclosure obligations, court says
Alexander Mossop 2020-10-12 8:59 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Sydney

In a win for ASIC, a judge has found that former oil and gas company Antares Energy violated its continuous disclosure obligations by failing to reveal the name of the buyer behind an ill-fated US$254 million acquisition of Texan oil assets.

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ATO wins appeal in $60M tax dispute with Healius
Appeals 2020-10-12 6:46 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Sydney

The Australian Taxation Office has secured a Full Federal Court victory in its $60 million tax battle with Healius, overturning a ruling that found the healthcare company could claw back a multi-million dollar tax refund.

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