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Full Court throws out Aldi’s misleading conduct case against union
Adam Guy 2020-12-22 6:43 pm By Spencer Fowler Steen Melbourne

The Full Federal Court has upheld the dismissal of grocery store Aldi’s lawsuit claiming that the Transport Workers Union engaged in misleading conduct by representing that it was responsible for road deaths and put “unsafe” pressure on truck drivers.

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‘An early Christmas present for corporate criminals’: Plaintiff lawyers lash proposed class action reforms
Class Actions 2020-12-22 6:32 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

A group representing plaintiff law firm has lampooned recommendations from the government’s latest inquiry into class actions, including that the country’s continuous disclosure laws be permanently relaxed, saying they give corporations the green light to fleece consumers and mislead investors.

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Class action expert finds PFAS ‘stigma’ diminished property values
Alicia Lyons 2020-12-22 5:40 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

Properties near seven air force bases where allegedly toxic firefighting foam was used experienced a drop in land value because of the “stigma” of contamination, according to an expert report accepted by the Federal Court in a class action seeking compensation from the Federal government.

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Judge blocks lawyers’ access to docs in stayed Monsanto class action
Agriculture 2020-12-22 4:58 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

Lawyers for the lead applicant in a stayed class action against Bayer-owned Monsanto over its weedkiller Roundup cannot access discovered documents in a separate class action against the agricultural giant in advance of mediation next year.

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PwC sued by Zilzie Wines for unsolicited R&D tax credit advice
Food and Beverage 2020-12-22 4:50 pm By Spencer Fowler Steen Melbourne

Wine making family Forbes and one of its companies, Zilzie Wines, have launched legal action against PricewaterhouseCoopers alleging the professional services firm provided it with shonky tax advice that resulted in over $200,000 in loss and damages.

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Judge signs off on Appco class action settlement in ‘rather unusual circumstances’
Adero Law 2020-12-22 4:25 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

A judge has approved a settlement he previously expressed a “nagging feeling of disquiet about” in a class action against fundraiser Appco Group, after group members “overwhelmingly” supported the proposal and further cash assets were uncovered that increased the settlement amount to $2.05 million.

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AMP ‘ruining a lot of people’s Christmases’ in $35.5M poaching dispute, court told
AMP 2020-12-22 4:12 pm By Spencer Fowler Steen Melbourne

A judge has blasted AMP for dragging a fight over documents to court this close to Christmas, after software company DST Bluedoor revealed it is seeking $35.5 million in loss and damages against the financial services firm for allegedly inducing 11 employees to jump ship after licensing its online advisor platform.

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Law firms agree to consolidate AMP insurance class actions
AMP 2020-12-22 1:18 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

Two law firms that have filed competing class action against AMP over allegedly excessive insurance premiums have changed tack and agreed to consolidate the proceedings.

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ACCC rejects Google undertaking to seal $3B Fitbit deal
ACCC 2020-12-22 9:30 am By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has rejected a behavioural undertaking from Google intended to assuage the regulator’s competition concerns about its planned $3 billion acquisition of fitness device company Fitbit, saying it would be challenging to monitor and enforce.

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Class action report pitches major reforms
Class Actions 2020-12-21 11:46 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

The latest inquiry report into class actions has put forward a suite of recommendations that would remake the class action regime by empowering the Federal Court to vary litigation funding agreements, requiring judges to hold class action beauty parades and making permanent the government’s temporary changes to continuous disclosure laws.

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