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Law firm boss can’t halt compensation bid in disciplinary action pending negligence suit
Agriculture 2021-01-14 2:08 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

The managing partner of a Brisbane-based law firm has failed to shut down a bid for compensation brought in disciplinary proceedings filed by the Legal Services Commissioner, which is seeking damages identical to those sought in a separate negligence case by a client.

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‘Sydney’s most controversial burger restaurant’ loses appeal in trade mark beef with In-N-Out
Appeals 2021-01-14 1:46 pm By Spencer Fowler Steen Melbourne

The Full Federal Court has upheld an appeal by In-N-Out Burgers against Sydney-based Hashtag Burgers, finding that its two sole directors were also liable for trademark infringement and passing off in owning and operating their ‘DOWN-N-OUT’ burger restaurants.

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University of Sydney lecturer sacked over swastika launches appeal
Appeals 2021-01-14 10:18 am By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

A former University of Sydney lecturer has appealed a ruling dismissing the lawsuit he brought against the university after he was fired for a seminar slide that imposed the Nazi swastika on the Israeli flag and which was later posed on social media.

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Clients and lawyers with axe to grind a major headache for law firms in 2020
AJ & Co Lawyers 2021-01-13 10:12 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

While there was no shortage of pain and challenges for law firms as the coronavirus raged across the globe last year, a number of big firms also felt the sting of litigation from disgruntled clients, partners and employees.

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Unions take JobKeeper fight with Qantas to High Court
Appeals 2021-01-13 4:46 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

Three unions representing Qantas workers have asked the High Court for special leave to appeal a  ruling from the Full Federal Court siding with the airline in a dispute over the operation of the JobKeeper wage subsidy.

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Tyro may face class action over EFTPOS terminal outage
Bannister Law 2021-01-13 1:25 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

Payments provider Tyro is facing the threat of a class action over a days-long EFTPOS terminal outage that has left many businesses unable to accept payments.

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Ex-GM says John Holland fired him for blowing the whistle on safety issues
Adero Law 2021-01-13 12:20 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

A former general manager has sued engineering and construction firm John Holland Group alleging he was fired for raising safety concerns about defects in the Canberra Light Rail system.

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Top 10 class action settlements of 2020
Adam Hochroth 2021-01-12 10:46 pm By Spencer Fowler Steen Melbourne

Payouts in class actions in 2020 largely kept pace with the previous year despite the financial strain of the COVID-19 pandemic, with companies and other defendants paying more than $696 million to settle class actions last year.

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Paralegal says law firm forced her to take COVID-19 pay cut
AJ & Co Lawyers 2021-01-12 3:54 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

A Brisbane-based law firm is being sued by a paralegal who claims she was forced to take a 20 per cent pay cut during the COVID-19 pandemic on the basis of misleading statements by the firm’s director.

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Clive Palmer offers to drop contempt of court lawsuit against WA Premier
Arbitration 2021-01-12 3:43 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

Billionaire Clive Palmer has offered to withdraw his High Court contempt of court lawsuit against Western Australia Premier Mark McGowan “in a spirit of reconciliation and forgiveness”, but his defamation case against the state leader will continue.

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