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Judge ‘tempted’ to allow Arrium liquidator to give expert evidence at trial
Baker McKenzie 2021-02-11 3:29 pm By Spencer Fowler Steen Melbourne

A judge has indicated that he will allow Arrium Group’s liquidator to give expert evidence at an upcoming trial in proceedings against the steel giant’s former directors over its $4 billion collapse, despite his other role as a party in the case.

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Bluescope lawyers get dressing down by judge for ‘inappropriate exchange’ with chambers
Anthony Howell 2021-02-11 3:06 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

Lawyers representing Bluescope in an appeal of a Fair Work case copped a scolding by a judge Thursday for sending multiple emails to his chambers “pressuring” his associate to provide dates for a hearing.

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Australian Pacific Touring fights recasting of test case after discovery bungle
Caspar Conde 2021-02-11 1:49 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

Cruise company Australian Pacific Touring will resist any expansion of a test case over cancellations brought against it by a former passenger after its failure to properly provide discovery resulted in a fragmented hearing meant to conclude in September last year.

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Barrister turns tables on vision-impaired Daily Telegraph legal team in case over deaf lawyer
Ashurst 2021-02-11 1:31 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

A barrister for a Sydney criminal lawyer who wears hearing aids and is suing News Corp’s Nationwide News over allegedly defamatory Daily Telegraph articles referring to his profound deafness has likened the stories to accusing bespectacled lawyers of being blind.

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ACCC raises competition concerns about MYOB bid for GreatSoft
ACCC 2021-02-11 1:12 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has raised preliminary competition concerns about accounting software provider MYOB’s proposal to swallow up cloud practice management software provider GreatSoft, saying the South Africa-based company has the potential to become a strong competitor to MYOB as more accounting firms migrate to the cloud.

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Reinventure settles lawsuit by ex-partner seeking cut of $100M
Baker McKenzie 2021-02-10 10:38 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

Westpac-backed venture capital firm Reinventure Group has settled a lawsuit brought by a former partner claiming she was entitled to a cut of a $100 million valuation increase in 11 startups the firm invested in. 

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Crown directors resign in wake of scathing gaming authority report
Class Actions 2021-02-10 9:09 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

Two directors of Crown Resorts have resigned following the release of a damning report from the NSW gaming authority.

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Ex-Freedom Foods GC strikes back at serious misconduct claims
Andrew Gotting 2021-02-10 6:37 pm By Spencer Fowler Steen Melbourne

A former Freedom Foods group general counsel is seeking aggravated damages from the food and beverage manufacturer for claiming in court filings that she was fired for serious misconduct.

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Qantas told pilot he was too old for redundancy offer, lawsuit says
Employment 2021-02-10 5:43 pm By Spencer Fowler Steen Melbourne

A 64-year-old Qantas pilot who was stood down as part of the airline’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic has launched a lawsuit accusing Qantas of unlawful discrimination for only providing voluntary redundancy packages to employees younger than 63 years old.

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Former Linchpin boss gets legal aid while waiting on insurers in ‘chaotic’ London
ASIC 2021-02-10 4:43 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

London is in a “complete state of chaos” and no amount of pressing by law firm Moray & Agnew has produced an answer from underwriters about the extent of his insurance coverage, former Linchpin Capital Group CEO Peter Daly has said in a three-paragraph defence to disqualification proceedings by the corporate regulator.

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