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Herald Sun exec’s honest opinion defence survives in case by ex-Labor MP Melissa Parke
Banki Haddock Fiora 2021-02-18 6:13 pm By Spencer Fowler Steen Melbourne

Former Labor MP Melissa Parke has failed in her bid to strike down the honest opinion defence of Herald Sun executive Dr Colin Rubenstein in her lawsuit alleging the director defamed her in an email and article relating to her 2019 pre-selection speech.

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Amazon computer patent ‘nothing more than a scheme’, IP Australia says
Amazon 2021-02-18 5:10 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

IP Australia has rejected e-commerce giant Amazon’s patent application for a method of allocating resources in virtual computers, finding the patent’s claims were “nothing more than a scheme for scheduling work” and were not a manner of manufacture.

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ACCC raises competition concerns over $US80B Aon-Willis merger
ACCC 2021-02-18 4:04 pm By Cindy Cameronne Sydney

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has raised preliminary competition concerns about the proposed merger of insurance giants Aon and Willis Towers Watson to create the world’s largest insurance provider, following investigations in the US, Europe, Canada and New Zealand.

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44-count indictment filed in ANZ criminal cartel case
ANZ 2021-02-18 2:57 pm By Spencer Fowler Steen Melbourne

Forty-four charges have been outlined in a long-awaited indictment in a criminal cartel case over a $2.5 billion ANZ share placement, including 29 charges against top executives from ANZ, Deutsche Bank and Citigroup.

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Court shoots down Prime Trust liquidators’ bid for global proof of debt to compensate unitholders
Andrew Muller 2021-02-18 2:21 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

The liquidators of retirement village group Australian Property Custodian Holdings, which went into administration in 2010 owing $948 million, have had their proposal to compensate unitholders under a global proof of debt rejected by a judge, who called the plan vague and “unsatisfactory”.

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Class actions can’t pursue insurance brokers to boost Quintis settlement, court hears
Agriculture 2021-02-18 1:45 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

Two insurance brokers have dodged being dragged into class action proceedings against sandalwood producer Quintis to boost a settlement reached last year, as a fight over insurance owed to the company to cover the settlement continues.

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Count Financial can’t join insurer to $15.3M lawsuit against ex-financial advisor
Accounting 2021-02-18 11:41 am By Spencer Fowler Steen Melbourne

Count Financial has failed in its bid to put a former financial advisor’s insurers on the hook for a $15.3 million lawsuit brought by his former clients, as the accounting services company seeks to claw back its losses allegedly resulting from the advisor’s breaches of his duty of care and skill.

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Ex-Johnson Winter & Slattery clients can’t subpeona Optus, Telstra for lawyer’s phone records
Charles Filgate Giles 2021-02-17 11:14 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

A judge has shot down an attempt by former Johnson Winter & Slattery clients to secure records of phone calls by their solicitor to corroborate claims the lawyer repeatedly advised them to ignore a settlement offer in a commercial case they later lost.

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Liquidator suspended for three years for forging docs to deceive ASIC
Article 2021-02-17 6:49 pm By Cindy Cameronne Sydney

Adelaide liquidator Peter Macks has been hit with a three-year ban after a judge found he forged documents to hinder an investigation by the corporate regulator. 

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IVF Australia faces multimillion dollar lawsuit over inaccurate genetic test
Anne Horvath 2021-02-17 6:32 pm By Spencer Fowler Steen Melbourne

Fertility clinic IVF Australia is facing a lawsuit worth “many millions of dollars” launched by the parents of a child born with Pallister-Kilian syndrome, alleging it did not carry out a vital pre-implantation diagnostic test that would have identified the disease.

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