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Banks will try to quash ‘incomprehensible’ indictment in ANZ cartel case
ACCC 2021-02-22 1:26 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

Global investment banks and executives accused of engaging in criminal cartel conduct in relation to a $2.5 billion ANZ share placement in 2015 will seek to quash the “incomprehensible” indictment filed against them, claiming it is full of “fallacies”.

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Judge who called expert conclave a ‘car crash’ won’t recuse herself
Healthcare 2021-02-22 1:04 pm By Spencer Fowler Steen Melbourne

A judge has refused to disqualify herself from hearing a complex medical negligence lawsuit after she described an expert conclave as a “car crash”, citing concerns over a psychiatrist giving opinions about liability in a surgical setting.

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Judge says tweaking class closure order requires analysis of power, won’t go there
Adero Law 2021-02-19 11:52 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

A judge has refused to extend the date by which Coles workers can register to join an employment class action against the supermarket giant as part of a class closure order, saying the amendment would force a hearing on his power to make the order.

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Most employers won’t be able to require staff to get COVID-19 vaccine
Coronavirus 2021-02-19 11:29 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

COVID-19 vaccinations will begin this week, but most employers won’t be able to force staff to get the jab.

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‘Novel and invasive’: Clive Palmer can’t get law firm docs for Queensland Nickel case
Andrew O'Brien 2021-02-19 10:59 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

Two Clive Palmer companies have again been blocked from accessing documents held by two law firms and a litigation funder to pursue a potential lawsuit against Queensland Nickel, with an appeal court dismissing the bid as “unmeritorious”.

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Hewlett-Packard loses appeal over sales commissions it capped ‘at whim’
Associate Justice Verity McWilliam 2021-02-19 5:21 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

IT giant Hewlett-Packard Australia has lost its appeal of a judgment requiring it to cough up $370,000 in unpaid commissions to a former sales executive after a court found the company was not entitled to retrospectively cap her incentive payments ‘at whim’.

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New evidentiary tool on cards as 7-Eleven class action judge hears first ever oral discovery bid
7-Eleven 2021-02-19 4:07 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

A Federal Court judge overseeing two franchisee class actions against 7-Eleven has heard a landmark application for pre-trial oral discovery that could create another tool for lawyers to source evidence otherwise blocked by confidentiality agreements.

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In law firm trade mark battle, reputation in Melbourne merger work is key, court told
Andrew Sykes 2021-02-19 2:37 pm By Spencer Fowler Steen Melbourne

Two law firms locked in a courtroom battle over their ‘C’ trade marks made up of concentric circles will move to mediation after one of the firms files “significantly more” evidence about their reputation in Melbourne, a court has heard.

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HWL Ebsworth settles with partner who didn’t support IPO
Business of Law 2021-02-18 8:51 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

HWL Ebsworth has settled with a former partner who filed a lawsuit claiming the firm and managing partner Juan Martinez failed to pay her money she was owed because she did not support the law firm’s aborted plan to go public.

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‘I’m not having vague excuses about COVID in the UK’: Judge slams ex-Linchpin director
ASIC 2021-02-18 6:54 pm By Spencer Fowler Steen Melbourne

A judge will not let proceedings brought by ASIC against four former Linchpin Capital directors drag on, slamming a “vague” excuse from one of the directors, who awaits word from his insurers on whether his defence costs will be covered, that London is still in a state of “total confusion” due to COVID-19.

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