An investor who sank $1 million into a now suspended Mayfair Group scheme has lost his misleading and deceptive conduct case against the firm, with a judge finding his evidence was “plainly coloured” by the fact he had lost his life savings.
MinterEllison boss Annette Kimmitt has found herself in the middle of an internal furore after she reportedly sent a letter to the law firm’s 2,000 plus staff members sympathising with those angered by a senior partner’s decision to advise Attorney-General Christian Porter.
An independent review into Parliamentary workplace culture will be led by sex discrimination commissioner Kate Jenkins, the Federal Government has announced, two days after Christian Porter outed himself as the federal Cabinet member accused of raping a teenager 33 years ago.
Health care giant Healius has lost its application to the High Court to challenge a $60 million win for the Australian Taxation Office.
A judge has dismissed claims brought by a former One Nation staffer against the federal government accusing it of being liable for former senator Brian Burston’s alleged sexual harassment, finding that the terms of her unfair dismissal settlement barred her from bringing sexual harassment allegations againt the Commonwealth.
Certification of pleadings in legal action is not a formality that needs to be “ticked off”, and solicitors who put their signature to improperly pleaded cases should face adverse costs, an irritated appeals judge has said.
The judge overseeing two class actions over legal and accounting advice given ahead of Slater & Gordon’s disastrous Quindell acquisition has said he will hear the cases together, citing the “dangers” of the approach taken in litigation against GetSwift, which resulted in a judge being ordered to step down.
A NSW barrister who allegedly pushed an assistant clerk’s head while making a sexual remark at a professional dinner is facing disciplinary action for unsatisfactory professional conduct.
The Full Federal Court has tossed an appeal by Johnson & Johnson unit Ethicon challenging a landmark decision that put it on the hook for paying damages to 10,000 women who suffered injury through defects in its prolapse mesh and incontinence tape implants.
GetSwift has triumphed in its bid to disqualify a judge who refused to recuse himself from hearing a shareholder class action against the logistics software company after presiding over ASIC’s civil penalty proceeding against the company.