Uber has admitted to making misleading statements to passengers and has agreed to pay $26 million in penalties in a case by the consumer regulator over the ridesharing giant’s cancellation warning messages.
Nine has lost its bid to argue the substantial truth of an alleged defamatory imputation arising from its coverage of a custody battle for famed social media pooch Oscar the Cavoodle and has been taken to task by a judge for its delay in filing a defence in a defamation case, saying its excuse was no better than “the proverbial dog having eaten their homework”.
The maker of Mother brand energy drinks has won a stay of a judge’s decision to remove one of its trade marks for non-use, but has been hit with indemnity costs in its ongoing intellectual property stoush with rival Cantarella Bros.
A Perth solicitor has been reprimanded and ordered to pay a $24,000 fine after a tribunal found he had engaged in unsatisfactory professional conduct for pursuing a case that was “doomed to fail”.
A man who said he was falsely accused by a Seven journalist of spitting at the rape victim of former NRL star Jarryd Hayne has sued the broadcaster for defamation.
No evidence was produced of a deferred fee arrangement between the law firm and funder backing franchise class actions against 7-Eleven, and the “unequivocal” denial by the solicitor running the cases should be accepted, a court has heard.
A judge has slapped Trivago with $44.7 million in penalties for a “startlingly misleading” rankings system used on its travel comparison website from which it reaped $53 million.
A judge has expressed doubts over Colonial First State’s plan to pass on part of its duties to the ATO in distributing a $56.3 million settlement secured by customers in a Maurice Blackburn-led class action.
Telecommunications giant SingTel is challenging a ruling in favour of the Australian Taxation Office’s decision to reject over $894,000 in tax deductions related to its $14.2 billion acquisition of Optus.
Mercedes Benz Australia will produce 10,000 pages of documentary evidence alongside material from CEO Florian Seidler, in its fight against a $650 million lawsuit brought by Australian dealers over the car maker’s decision to move to a fixed-price agency model.