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Mitsubishi loses appeal, court finds Triton fuel economy label misleading
Appeals 2022-08-05 2:37 pm By Cindy Cameronne Sydney

Mitsubishi Motors has lost its legal challenge to a decision that found it made misleading fuel efficiency representations on a label affixed to the windshield of a Triton 4WD sold in 2017.

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‘Serious allegations’ against Pitcher Partners to be heard in NSW
Accounting 2022-08-05 10:02 pm By Cindy Cameronne Sydney

A judge has denied a bid by accounting firm Pitcher Partners to transfer a $127 million lawsuit brought by the Twigg family, saying he was best placed to hear “serious allegations” the firm helped race car driver Max Twigg give a false understanding of his company’s assets.

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IPO Wealth trustee refusing to leave rooms at Yarra Valley Lodge, suit says
Colin Biggers & Paisley 2022-08-05 5:03 pm By Sam Matthews Melbourne

A Melbourne-based investment management group is refusing to vacate two rooms forming part of a managed investment scheme at the Yarra Valley Lodge Hotel, according to a lawsuit filed by the Australian and Pacific Investment Corporation.

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$44.5M Woolworths class action settlement OKd but firm’s fees yet to be approved
Bernard Quinn 2022-08-05 11:45 pm By Christine Caulfield

A judge has signed off on a $44.5 million settlement of a shareholder class action against Woolworths, which includes a $4.73 million funding commission, but the amount of fees to be paid to the law firm running the case remains to be decided.

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EY settlement in class action over Slater & Gordon audits approved
Accounting 2022-08-05 2:05 pm By Cindy Cameronne Sydney

A judge has blessed Ernst & Young’s settlement with shareholders in a class action alleging the firm, along with Pitcher Partners, approved an overly rosy year-end financial report related to Slater & Gordon’s disastrous $1.2 billion acquisition of UK business Quindell.

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Indonesian farmers fight PTTEP’s bid to shut out 15,000 damages claims in class action
Allens 2022-08-05 12:20 am By Cindy Cameronne Sydney

Oil exploration company PTTEP has argued 15,000 Indonesian seaweed farmers who brought a class action alleging their crops were damaged after an oil spill in the Timor Sea will need to individually persuade the court to allow their claims out of time.

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Silk warned by judge not to get ‘carried away’ in defamation case by bank boss Peter Schiff
Dauid Sibtain 2022-08-04 11:56 pm By Sam Matthews Melbourne

A judge has cautioned senior barrister Sue Chrysanthou over her colourful description of a 60 Minutes episode at the heart of Euro Pacific Bank boss Peter Schiff’s defamation case against Nine, urging the silk to “be careful”.

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Mercedes-Benz can’t access chats with Labor senator in $650M dealer suit
Automotive 2022-08-04 11:29 pm By Cindy Cameronne Sydney

Mercedes can’t access communications between Australia’s peak body for car dealers and a Labor senator to use in its defence of a $650 million lawsuit over its decision to move to a fixed-price agency model.

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Samsung Bioepis sues Fresenius Kabi over patent for generic Humira
Healthcare 2022-08-04 11:12 pm By Sam Matthews Melbourne

Samsung Bioepis Australia has sued fellow biotechnology company Fresenius Kabi over a biosimilar of top selling immunosuppressant drug Humira, saying the invention ‘does not achieve the promise’ of a better formulation using fewer ingredients.

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Judge accepts Linchpin directors’ penalty privilege claims in class action
Assembly Law 2022-08-04 2:43 pm By Cindy Cameronne Sydney

A judge has allowed four ex-Linchpin directors facing possible fines by ASIC to put off filing evidence or amended defences in an investor class action after they claimed it would put them at risk of penalty in the corporate regulator’s proceedings.

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