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Peter Dutton wants to grill lawyer on possible ‘sham bills’ in defamation spat
Appeals 2022-08-12 11:36 am By Sam Matthews Melbourne

Opposition leader Peter Dutton has questioned a costs agreement between refugee activist Shane Bazzi and his solicitors in a defamation dispute, raising the possibility that “sham bills” may have been provided to the court to assess the costs to which Bazzi is entitled for his successful appeal.

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ZACD sues to recoup $21.3M allegedly misappropriated by iProsperity
KPMG 2022-08-12 11:40 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Singapore-based real estate investment firm ZACD Group has filed a lawsuit seeking to recoup $21.3 million from defunct property group iProsperity and its missing founder Michael Gu, who fled the country in 2020 amid findings the company misappropriated millions in investor funds.

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Google cops $60M penalty in location data privacy case
ACCC 2022-08-12 11:22 am By Cindy Cameronne Sydney

Google has agreed to pay a $60 million penalty in proceedings brought by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission alleging the tech giant misled users about the collection and use of their location data.

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McDonald’s faces new rest break action by 250,000 workers
Employment 2022-08-12 11:50 pm By Christine Caulfield

The union representing McDonald’s workers has lodged a new case against the fast food giant over unpaid rest breaks for more than 250,000 current and former staff across the country.

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Law firm plans launch of class action over COVID-19 outbreak at Newmarch House
Class Actions 2022-08-12 11:36 pm By Christine Caulfield

Shine Lawyers is on track to file a class action over a COVID-19 outbreak at Newmarch House in Sydney after findings by the NSW Coroner are handed down at the end of the year.

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Fujifilm’s small business contracts riddled with unfair terms, court finds
ACCC 2022-08-12 12:35 pm By Cindy Cameronne Sydney

Dozens of provisions in Fujifilm’s contracts with thousands of small businesses are unfair and unenforceable, a court declared Friday in a case against the office supply company by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

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Palmer to pay McGowan’s costs of defamation row after ignoring settlement offer
Barry Dean 2022-08-11 11:44 pm By Cindy Cameronne Sydney

WA premier Mark McGowan has won the legal costs of running his defamation cross-claim against businessman Clive Palmer after a judge learned McGowan made a walk-away settlement offer in December last year.

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‘Not how litigation works now’: Class action over Quintis audit fights EY’s bid to silo expert
Accounting 2022-08-11 11:26 pm By Cindy Cameronne Sydney

A shareholder class action against Ernst & Young over its alleged inflation of assets owned by sandalwood producer Quintis has argued the accounting firm should be allowed only one expert witness, who should collaborate with a competing expert chosen by the investors.

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Court rejects evidence that Piper Alderman work properly delegated in Fogo Brazilia case
Alexander Vial 2022-08-11 11:55 pm By Sam Matthews Melbourne

The liquidator of Fogo Brazilia has lost a bid for a gross sum costs order against the restaurant chain, after a judge found that legal representatives Piper Alderman did not appear to appropriately delegate, with hours of grunt work performed by a partner at the firm.

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ACCC waves through Google’s $7.6B acquisition of cybersecurity firm
ACCC 2022-08-11 10:02 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission will not oppose Google’s $7.6 billion bid for cybersecurity firm Mandiant, the second-largest acquisition in the company’s history.

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