A judge has ordered the estate of Giovanna Toppi to pay money owing to a landlord under a $1.1 million loan after refusing to find the iconic Sydney restaurateur was the victim of wrongdoing by her daughter, Paola.
Highly anticipated legislation creating a federal anti-corruption commission has received unanimous support and could pass by the end of the year, but a fight may be on the horizon over the commission’s power to conduct public hearings.
Nuix has pointed the finger at its accountant PricewaterhouseCoopers in the software company’s defence to a class action over a prospectus for its $1.8 billion IPO two years ago.
The Commonwealth Bank of Australia has argued that disclosing its money laundering failures before AUSTRAC brought proceedings would have misled the market, as the bank takes the rare move of defending a shareholder class action at trial.
A judge overseeing a class action over AMP’s fees for no service practice has dismissed the applicant’s bid to access communications between AMP and law firm Clayton Utz that led up to an ostensibly independent report that allegedly went through 25 rounds of edits with the wealth manager’s inhouse lawyers.
The New South Wales government has rejected a class action’s claims that it dropped the ball in relation to the identification and management of underground utilities which caused delays in Sydney’s $3 billion light rail project.
Legislation introduced in the wake of massive cyberattacks against Optus and Medibank that will increase penalties for serious privacy law violations to $50 million has sailed through the House just two weeks after being introduced.
The former general manager of sales for Fiat Chrysler Australia has sued the car company for allegedly terminating him for taking two periods of leave after being diagnosed with an auto-immune condition.
Liberty Financial unit Minerva has challenged a judgment that found two schemes it carried out were done with the primary purpose of securing a tax advantage.
A class action investigation over the data breach that exposed the personal information of almost 10 million Medibank customers is underway, with two law firms teaming up to probe whether the private health insurer is liable for damages.