Multi-million dollar claims of sexual harassment by two associates of a former Victoria Supreme Court judge have been settled by the state out of court.
A law firm has lost its bid to challenge a court order that it join forces with a competing firm in an investor class action against Blue Sky Alternative Investments and auditor EY.
A judge has thrown out a long-running class action on behalf of 20 local councils in NSW alleging insurer JLT Risk Solutions charged them hundreds of millions of dollars in excessive premiums over nine years.
Aussie Skips Recycling and Aussie Skips Bin Services have been charged with two criminal cartel offences over alleged price fixing for demolition waste services in Sydney.
The Northern Territory public housing authority has been hit with a class action alleging it failed to maintain public housing to a habitable standard in remote Aboriginal communities.
A judge has approved a group costs order with a tiered contingency fee that will guarantee group members at least 72.5 per cent of any returns in a shareholder class action accusing Crown Resorts of lax anti-money laundering compliance over a six-year period.
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has taken wealth guru Dominique Grubisa and her business DG Institute to court for allegedly misleading students of their real estate investing and wealth management programs.
A psychiatrist that sued HarperCollins for defamation over a book on the use of deep sleep therapy at the Chelmsford Private Hospital in the 1970s has lost his bid to disallow the publisher’s claim that any damage he suffered was mitigated by his bad reputation.
Queensland government-owned water services provider Sunwater has lost a bid to overturn a judgment letting insurer Liberty Mutual Insurance off the hook for its share of a $440 million settlement in the Queensland floods class action.
Relatives of race car driver Max Twigg are fighting Pitcher Partners’ bid to have a $127 million lawsuit dismissed as an abuse of process, rejecting the accounting firm’s argument that the proceedings were deliberately delayed for strategic reasons.