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Ex-McInnes Wilson lawyer struck off after funneling over $680,000 to wife’s biz
Justice Martin Daubney 2019-01-21 7:39 pm By Christine Caulfield

A former McInnes Wilson lawyer has been struck off the roll of practitioners after an administrative tribunal found he engaged in “protracted and egregious acts of malfeasance” by funneling over $681,000 to his wife and her business, including through forged invoices.

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Class action bigwig beats appeal of misconduct ruling
Bret Walker 2018-10-30 9:45 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A leading class action lawyer has defeated an attempt by the Law Society of NSW to revive professional misconduct proceedings against him.

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Settlement talks can’t be admitted as evidence in Cargill, Viterra trial
Agriculture 2018-09-21 4:00 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A judge in the high-stakes trial over the $420 million sale of Viterra’s Joe White malt business to Cargill has denied Cargill’s request to have settlement talks admitted as evidence, shooting down the agricultural giant’s argument that the talks were needed to challenge Glencore in-house counsel’s assertion that he is of good character and will not breach a confidentiality agreement.

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MinterEllison settles claims over solar company collapse
Energy & Natural Resources 2018-07-24 10:02 pm By Christine Caulfield

MinterEllison has resolved claims by two directors of failed Solar Shop Australia alleging the law firm, which was retained by the company to advise on a buyback scheme involving $15 million in shares owned by founder Adrian Ferraretto, breached its duty of care.

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Kalus Kenny Intelex dodges contempt charges in ASIC case
Article 2018-07-19 10:22 pm By Christine Caulfield

Boutique law firm Kalus Kenny Intelex has escaped contempt of court charges sought by the corporate watchdog alleging it breached orders freezing the assets of clients allegedly involved in a binary options scam.

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Herbert Smith Freehills wins case over United’s failed IPO
Article 2018-06-26 11:50 pm By Christine Caulfield

Herbert Smith Freehills has prevailed in a suit by United Petroleum alleging the law firm and former United chairman Martin Hudson breached their duties to the company when they pulled a planned initial public offering in 2016.

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Auto shop loses bid to sue Holding Redlich over franchisee agreements
Contracts 2018-06-19 12:58 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The High Court has rejected a failed auto repair franchiser’s bid to appeal a ruling dismissing its case against Holding Redlich alleging the law firm was negligent in preparing franchisee agreements.

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Judge scolds lawyers for ‘epistolary grenades’ in $8M fraud case
Article 2018-06-13 11:07 pm By Christine Caulfield

A judge has chided lawyers for lobbing “epistolary grenades” in the form of “ill-advised” emails in a civil case connected to an $8 million fraud by a former solicitor with law firm Atanaskovic Hartnell.

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Judge recuses himself after raising spectre of legal watchdog
Article 2018-05-14 2:31 pm By Christine Caulfield

A Victorian Supreme Court judge has recused himself from proceedings over costs in a construction dispute, after vowing to send transcripts of the case to the state’s legal watchdog.

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AMP’s three female non-executive directors step down
Article 2018-05-08 6:16 pm By Christine Caulfield

Facing shareholder wrath in the wake of the Royal Commission’s damning revelations, AMP’s three female non-executive directors stepped down on Tuesday.

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