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Drink, drugs & a dodgy investigation can’t save a coal miner’s job
Employment 2018-02-28 9:28 am By Christine Caulfield

Alcohol, anti-depressants and the common use of bad language at the Illawarra coal mine did not excuse a sacked miner’s threatening and expletive-laced phone calls to colleagues, the full Fair Work Commission has found.

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FWC tosses Qantas appeal over worker classification
Employment 2018-02-28 7:54 am By Cat Fredenburgh

Qantas Ground Services has lost its challenge to the Full Fair Work Commission in a dispute with the Transport Workers Union over the classification of the company’s commissionaires, a small group of employees who transport disabled and elderly passengers between terminals.

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TWU appeals fine for leaving lapsed members on books
Ashurst 2018-02-27 9:19 am By Cat Fredenburgh

The Transport Worker’s Union of Australia is challenging a $270,000 fine in a case brought by the union monitor alleging it kept almost 21,000 lapsed members on its register and failed to keep copies of records.

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Judge slams CFMEU’s ‘deplorable record’ of law breaking
Construction 2018-02-26 8:03 pm By Christine Caulfield

The CFMEU has a “deplorable record” of breaking industrial legislation, a Federal Court judge said Monday as it slapped the union and a Victorian delegate with a $105,000 fine for enforcing a closed union construction site in Melbourne.

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Unions can’t ground review of airport workers’ split shifts
Employment 2018-02-23 8:53 pm By Christine Caulfield

In a win for aviation services company Aerocare, a court on Friday ruled the company’s bid for review of its controversial split-shift rosters was not an abuse of process as two unions had argued.

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Linfox workers can’t halt Fair Work case, court says
Employment 2018-02-22 8:49 pm By Christine Caulfield

A group of Linfox workers in Victoria has lost their bid to put a Fair Work appeal on ice while they challenge a commissioner’s ruling that found in favor of the logistics giant in a dispute over their jobs.

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Norton Rose dispute with ex-partner heads to mediation
Business of Law 2018-02-22 8:09 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A bitter court battle over the firing of a Norton Rose Fulbright employment partner in which the firm admitted it retroactively signed and dated a court document will soon head to mediation.

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Slater & Gordon slams letter in union merger bid
Construction 2018-02-21 8:54 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A Slater and Gordon lawyer representing three unions seeking Fair Work Commission approval for a proposed tie-up, has slammed an “urgent” email from counsel at Herbert Smith Freehills claiming a newly discovered contempt matter involving one of the deal’s applicants should bar approval of the deal.

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Energy Australia keeps up fight in casual worker pay case
Appeals 2018-02-21 6:57 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Energy Australia is not backing down in an industrial dispute over overtime pay for casual workers at its Yallourn Power Station, seeking leave to appeal a judge’s dismissal of its case and his ruling that it foot the unions’ entire legal bill.

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Ex-Toll worker in contempt over YouTube video
Employment 2018-02-16 8:41 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A former employee of Toll Transport has violated a court order that he remove a racially charged video he filmed of Senator Sam Dastyari while wearing a company-branded uniform.

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