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Class action seeks court OK to drop case after teleco contractor fails
Article 2023-04-04 5:26 pm By Christine Caulfield

The applicant in an underpayments class action against telecommunications contractor Tandem — which has been stayed since the company entered administration — has asked a court to abandon the case.

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‘Absolutely ludicrous’: Judge pans witness numbers in ISG sex discrimination case
Employment 2023-04-03 11:59 am By Christine Caulfield

The judge overseeing a sex discrimination and harassment lawsuit by the only female partner at global technology research company Information Services Group has lashed out at the parties for proposing to call a parade of 16 witnesses and estimating the trial would take three weeks.

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Thiess settles underpayments class action by FIFO workers for $858,000
Class Actions 2023-04-03 12:15 pm By Sam Matthews

Mining services company Thiess has settled a class action by fly-in fly-out workers who alleged they were not paid for time spent on the bus travelling home from a Pilbara-based liquefied natural gas processing plant owned by Woodside Energy.

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Bellamy’s says ex-CEO sacked for poor performance, not discrimination
Ashurst 2023-04-03 11:03 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Baby food producer Bellamy’s has hit back at a $400,000 lawsuit by its former chief executive officer, saying she was sacked because of “poor financial performance” and not because she complained about sex discrimination. 

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Lawyers celebrate ‘pragmatic’ new Chief Justice with ‘big heart’
Chief Justice Debra Mortimer 2023-03-31 10:13 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The legal industry has praised the historic appointment of Debra Mortimer as the first female Chief Justice of the Federal Court, noting her modern approach to managing cases and compassionate nature. 

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Companies’ gender pay gaps to be made public under new reforms
Employment 2023-03-30 11:56 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Gender pay gap data for approximately 40 per cent of the Australian workforce will soon be made public under reforms that passed into law on Thursday.

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Ex-Sydney Symphony CEO drops case linked to sexual harassment probe
Employment 2023-03-28 9:17 pm By Sam Matthews

The Sydney Symphony Orchestra’s former boss Emma Dunch has discontinued her unfair dismissal case in which she claimed she was terminated for investigating multiple claims of sexual harassment by musicians.

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Judge rejects bid for second opt out notice in Merivale class action
Class Actions 2023-03-27 3:27 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge overseeing a $129 million underpayments class action against hospitality giant Merivale has rejected a bid for a second round of opt out notices, finding that even if the first round went straight to employees’ junk or spam folders, it did not follow that they had not been read.

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Full Court to decide scope of whistleblower laws in ex-Greenwoods partner’s $13M case
Assured Legal Solutions 2023-03-22 11:42 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A judge hearing a lawsuit by an ex-Greenwoods & Herbert Smith Freehills partner seeking $13 million in compensation from his former firm and Lendlease has ordered that the court first decide whether new whistleblower protections apply retrospectively.

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Claims of barrister’s ex-wife based on employment, not marital, relationship: court
Clayton Utz 2023-03-22 8:40 pm By Sam Matthews

A wife employed by her barrister husband can seek compensation for unpaid wages because the claim is based on their employment relationship not their marital relationship, a court has held.

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