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Judge finds documents from Google’s ‘Oh Shit’ meeting relevant to penalty
ACCC 2021-08-16 5:18 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

Google will have to hand over documents relating to its infamous ‘Oh Shit’ meeting to the ACCC, with a  judge finding the material was “sufficiently likely” to be relevant to any penalties the search giant will face for misleading consumers about use of their location data.

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ACCC says Google’s ‘Oh Shit’ meeting relevant to penalty in location privacy case
ACCC 2021-08-13 4:20 pm By Cindy Cameronne Sydney

The ACCC wants Google to produce documents related to its infamous ‘Oh Shit’ meeting, which the consumer regulator says will be relevant to the tech giant’s state of mind and the judge’s penalty in a case over representations to users about their location data.

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‘Serious breach of trust’: ACCC wins appeal in Google ads case against Employsure
ACCC 2021-08-13 4:43 pm By Bianca Hrovat Sydney

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has won a challenge to a ruling that tossed its case against specialist workplace relations company Employsure, with an appeals court finding the regulator was right that the company had misled small businesses into signing long term contracts via Google ads that appeared to be government affiliated.

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Judge finds Phoenix Institute treated vulnerable customers with ‘callous indifference’
ACCC 2021-08-13 4:26 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

A judge has found collapsed education provider Phoenix Institute acted unconscionably and with “callous indifference” by enticing vulnerable consumers to enrol in unsuitable courses with promises of free laptops.

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Bank of Queensland’s small business contracts were unfair, court finds
ASIC 2021-08-13 5:11 pm By Bianca Hrovat Sydney

Small business owners who turned to the Bank of Queensland for financial assistance were subject to unfair contract terms that created a “significant imbalance” in the rights of the bank and its customers, a court has held.

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Recovery concerns flagged in CBA class action
CBA 2021-08-12 2:48 pm By Cindy Cameronne Sydney

The applicant in a class action on behalf of hundreds of thousands of Colonial First State Investments customers has raised concerns about whether he can recover compensation from a CBA life insurance unit that was recently sold to a competitor.

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Philips faces class action investigation into sleep device recall
Carbone Lawyers 2021-08-12 12:53 pm By Bianca Hrovat Sydney

Multinational health technology company Philips may be hit with a class action after its sleep therapy machines were subject to an urgent safety recall over concerns customers could inhale degrading foam.

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$2M lawsuit against UNSW puts spotlight on whether tenured professors can be sacked
ACCC 2021-08-12 3:06 pm By Bianca Hrovat Sydney

A former tenured professor is seeking $2 million from the University of New South Wales, alleging she was terminated after making complaints about discrimination, bullying and misuse of her intellectual property.

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Apple asks High Court to undo ‘radical’ Epic Games decision
ACCC 2021-08-10 3:10 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

The Full Federal Court took a “radical” and unorthodox approach with far-reaching consequences by keeping Apple’s competition dispute with Fortnite game maker Epic Games in Australia, the Silicon Valley giant has told the High Court.

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Gambling addict sues Crown Melbourne over $4.5M loss
Competition & Consumer Protection 2021-08-10 7:02 pm By Bianca Hrovat Sydney

A high roller with a severe gambling addiction has taken Crown Melbourne to court, alleging the casino’s “predatory” practices caused him to lose more than $4.5 million over three and a half years.

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