A class action against Carnival over norovirus outbreaks on its Sun Princess cruise ship is facing a strike out bid, with the cruise operator also flagging a declassing application down the line.
A judge has rejected arguments by superannuation trustee OnePath Custodians that the corporate regulator must look to former parent company ANZ for evidence in its fees for no service case.
A judge has ordered online bookmaker Entain and the Australian Hotels Association to hand over legal advice concerning their agreement to advertise digital wagering products in NSW pubs so that Tabcorp can decide whether to bring a case.
A senior barrister has sued insurer Suncorp for its alleged inadequate handling of a claim first made in 2014 relating to storm damage at his three-storey home which made him feel he was “living out a real-life version of Bill Murray’s experience in the movie Groundhog Day.”
Facebook will face a penalty in the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s case alleging it misled consumers by representing that its discontinued Onavo Protect mobile app would keep users’ personal activity data private.
The former managing director and CEO of Bingo Industries should be sentenced to imprisonment for aiding and abetting the waste company in fixing prices for demolition waste services in Sydney, a court has heard.
Pet and livestock drug company Zoetis, which prevailed in its defence to a class action over horse vaccine Equivac, is going after the legal team that ran the unfunded case, seeking orders that the lawyers pay a big portion of its $3.8 million legal bill.
The ACCC will monitoring the pricing and supply of essential services such as energy and telecommunications as well as interest rates in 2023 as cost of living pressures continue to bear down on consumers.
A judge has approved a $12 million payment to the funder of two franchisee class actions against 7-Eleven, even as the funder plans to appeal a decision rejecting its bid for a common fund order for a $24.5 million commission.
A judge has declined a bid by former United Petroleum franchisees to stay two Federal Court proceedings in light of a class action against the petrol giant over the introduction of loss-making Pie Face stores, finding the suits have little in common.