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Class actions dropped to six-year low in 2022
Analysis 2023-04-18 10:13 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Last year saw the lowest number of new class action filings in Australia since 2016, according to a new report.

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Forex broker representative loses challenge to ASIC expert opinion
ASIC 2023-04-14 4:35 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The authorised representative of forex broker Union Standard can’t exclude parts of an opinion by an ASIC-appointed expert in a case alleging it traded in margin products with Chinese clients despite knowing it was illegal under Chinese law.

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KPMG points finger at CudeCo, directors in class action over company collapse
Accounting 2023-04-13 4:33 pm By Cindy Cameronne

KPMG has hit back at a shareholder class action over allegedly misleading statements made ahead of CuDeco’s collapse in 2020, placing blame on the defunct mining company, its directors and group members themselves. 

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‘ASX Wolf’ trader permanently banned from carrying on unlawful financial services business
ASIC 2023-04-13 3:20 pm By Sam Matthews

Gold Coast ‘finfluencer’ Tyson Scholz has been permanently barred from conducting a financial services business without a license, after a court found he provided illegal financial services by giving tips on his Instagram account and to customers who paid for access to his seminars and ‘Black Wolf Pit’ chat room.

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Architecture firm to pay $975,000 for attempting to rig bids on $250M university project
ACCC 2023-04-13 1:52 pm By Sam Matthews

Award-wining architecture firm Ashton Raggatt McDougall and its former boss have agreed to pay a combined $975,000 in penalties for attempting to rig bids on a $250 million building project at Charles Darwin University.

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Carnival wins strike-out bid in class action over gastro outbreaks
Class Actions 2023-04-12 11:41 am By Cindy Cameronne

Carnival has won its bid to strike out a class action over norovirus outbreaks on its Sun Princess cruise ship. 

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Essure contraceptive ‘safe and efficacious’, Bayer tells class action trial
Class Actions 2023-04-12 9:20 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Bayer told a jury that clinical trials from the 1990’s to 2014 showed its Essure birth control device was “safe and efficacious”, as the pharmaceutical giant faces trial in a class action by patients who claim they suffered debilitating injuries from the device.

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ACCC says it’s too late for regrets in BlueScope price-fixing case
ACCC 2023-04-12 10:39 pm By Sam Matthews

BlueScope Steel spent $27 million defending the ACCC’s claims that it engaged in serious cartel conduct in relation to the supply of flat steel products in Australia, and its apologies came too late to warrant a penalty discount, a court has heard.

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ACCC chair pushes for compulsory merger review regime
ACCC 2023-04-12 10:38 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The head of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has called for reforms to Australia’s merger laws that would make review by the regulator compulsory, saying the current  informal review regime hampers its ability to block anti-competitive deals.

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Procter & Gamble’s ’30 Minute Miracle’ claims don’t wash, lawsuit says
Ashurst 2023-04-11 10:59 pm By Sam Matthews

The maker of Finish dishwashing detergent has taken Procter & Gamble to court, arguing it misled consumers by claiming its Fairy 30 Minute Miracle dish detergent is more effective than the competition.

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