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High Court says class action shareholders can quiz directors of failed companies
Arnold Bloch Leibler 2022-02-16 10:27 am By Christine Caulfield

In a boost to securities class actions, the High Court has ruled that directors of collapsed companies can be subjected to public examination by shareholders wanting to bring civil proceedings.

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‘Postbox’ solicitor in Banksia class action wins reprieve from DQ decision
Business of Law 2022-02-16 10:02 pm By Christine Caulfield

A lawyer whose conduct in the Banksia Securites class action was said to have left a stain on the integrity of the legal profession has secured a temporary stay of a decision by Victoria’s legal watchdog to disqualify him from practicing law for four years.

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CBA class action preps for class closure nod from Full Court
Appeals 2022-02-16 12:52 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Lawyers leading a class action against the Commonwealth Bank over its alleged money laundering compliance failures are getting their ducks in a row in the event the Full Court rules the court has the power to shut out unregistered group members from a class action.

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Class action funder says perceived 7-Eleven ‘pressure’ relevant to $25M commission bid
7-Eleven 2022-02-15 5:51 pm By Christine Caulfield

Evidence of anxiety felt by 7-Eleven franchisees leading class actions against the convenience store giant was relevant to whether the funder could earn a $25 million commission from the proceeds of a settlement, a court has heard.

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GetSwift class action settlement at risk as financial position in doubt
Alan Shearer 2022-02-14 10:20 am By Christine Caulfield

A settlement agreement in a shareholder class action against GetSwift may be scrapped as the applicant seeks more information as to whether the logistics company is solvent or about to go under.

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Class action waiver in Ruby Princess cruise T&Cs not unfair, court told
Amy Reid 2022-02-14 9:51 pm By Christine Caulfield

A class action waiver in the terms and conditions of tickets purchased by US passengers embarking on the fateful Ruby Princess cruise at the height of the first COVID-19 wave was neither unfair nor onerous, an appeals court has heard.

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Iluka Resources judgment shows shareholder class actions not mere cheque writing exercise
Class Actions 2022-02-14 4:19 pm By WP Creative

The Federal Court’s recent dismissal of a class action against Iluka Resources provides assurance to companies and their D&O insurers that shareholder class actions are not necessarily merely a cheque writing exercise and that robust defences will be accepted by the courts, says Clyde & Co partner Patrick Boardman.

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High Court to decide if class action shareholders can publicly grill directors
Appeals 2022-02-11 11:59 pm By Christine Caulfield

A case before the High Court could have major implications for company directors, giving shareholders in class actions the power to drag them before court for public examination.

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Trial vacated in Monsanto class action over Roundup weed killer
Agriculture 2022-02-11 7:02 pm By Christine Caulfield

An upcoming three-month trial in a class action against agrochemical giant Monsanto has been vacated after the applicant’s key expert withdrew from the case.

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Judge has change of heart, will hold settlement hearing in Romeo’s class actions
Adero Law 2022-02-10 10:10 pm By Christine Caulfield

A Federal Court judge has reconsidered her plan to dispense with a hearing to weigh a $1.55 million settlement of two class actions that allege supermarket chain Romeo’s underpaid hundreds of workers at stores in NSW and South Australia.

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