The Queensland government is seeking court orders that put dam operators Seqwater and Sunwater on the hook for the vast majority of damages after a class action judgment found negligence in the lead up to the state’s 2011 floods that destroyed 2,000 homes.
A date has been set in Domino’s bid to strike out parts of the statement of claim in a class action alleging franchisees underpaid thousands of workers across Australia for five years.
A judge has signed off on a $32.4 million settlement in a shareholder class action against engineering services firm CIMIC, including a hefty legal bill for the firm that brought the case.
A plaintiffs law firm has fired off another class action against Uber after losing a bid to amend the group definition in a class action brought against the ride-sharing giant last year.
Communications giant Optus has become the first telco to be hit with a class action for breach of privacy, with 50,000 customers seeking compensation for disclosure of their personal details.
The funder behind the Banksia Securities class action has failed in a bid to have an outstanding case over legal fees and its commission sent to mediation, with a judge saying the issues for trial involve allegations against lawyers of serious misconduct not appropriate for closed-door negotiations.
The judge presiding over the settlement approval hearing in a shareholder class action against telecommunications company Vocus Group has questioned whether the High Court’s recent ruling striking down common fund orders at the outset of class actions would allow him to make such an order at settlement.
Passengers on a European river cruise operated by Scenic Tours can claim damages for disappointment after they were forced to take buses for most of their luxury tour, the High Court has ruled.
A hearing to determine damages in the Queensland floods class action will proceed next week despite an appeal brought by the two dam operators that were found liable for the 2011 floods in the state that destroyed 2,000 homes.
Repeated suggestions of a planned strike out application are being used as a “threat” by four AMP subsidiaries and two trustees in a consolidated class action over allegedly excessive superannuation fees, a court has heard.