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Law firms tell government inquiry they want class closure back
Class Actions 2020-06-15 10:25 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

Judges should be given the power to make class closure orders again, defence law firms have told the latest class action inquiry, which comes on the heels of a landmark appeals court ruling that there is no statutory authority to keep unregistered class members out of a group proceeding.

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Ford cars fitted with PowerShift are ‘lemons’, court hears as high-stakes trial revs up
ACCC 2020-06-15 8:27 pm By Alison Eveleigh Sydney

Tens of thousands of Ford cars which contain an allegedly defective transmission system are “lemons”, a court heard on day one of a six-week hearing in a long-running class action against the car maker.

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Correcting the record – litigation funding and returns to group members in funded class actions
Class Actions 2020-06-15 2:49 pm By WP Creative

Much of the criticism of the ligitaion funding industry being played out in the media recently is based on misinformation, says Andrew Saker of Omni Bridgeway.

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Class actions not broken, don’t need fixing, inquiry told
Class Actions 2020-06-12 10:15 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

The class action system is working well, and reform that limits access to the regime should be carefully considered, the latest government inquiry has been told by a chorus of experts, including lawyers, academics and Australia’s competition cop. Still, some defence firms say recent moves cracking down on class actions don’t go far enough.

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Insurer may get dragged into pelvic mesh class action
AJB Stevens 2020-06-11 12:46 pm By Alison Eveleigh Sydney

A class action brought against three medical device manufacturers and a disgraced former doctor on behalf of thousands of women who claim to have suffered lifelong complications from pelvic mesh implants is seeking to add the doctor’s medical insurance company to the proceedings.

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Commonwealth Bank faces class action over ‘junk’ insurance
CBA 2020-06-10 8:52 am By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

The Commonwealth Bank of Australia has become the latest Big Four bank to be hit with a class action over the sales of allegedly worthless insurance products.

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Domino’s looks to strike out ‘rolled up, confusing’ underpayments class action
Class Actions 2020-06-09 10:34 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

Domino’s is seeking to strike out portions of the “rolled up, confusing pleading” in a class action over alleged worker underpayments, saying the case cannot be brought under the consumer law.

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‘A significant inequality of arms’: Funding led to better outcome in PFAS class action, judge says
Alicia Lyons 2020-06-09 3:00 pm By Alison Eveleigh Sydney

The judge overseeing three class actions against the Commonwealth over its use of allegedly toxic firefighting foam, which have settled for $212.5 million, said backing by a litigation funder led to a better outcome for group members, who would otherwise have been in the disadvantaged position of “supplicants requesting compensation”.

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Top barrister retained interest in Mark Elliott’s funding co. after wife sold shares, court told
Arnold Bloch Leibler 2020-06-09 10:52 am By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

Court documents sought to be kept confidential in a case alleging professional misconduct against barrister Norman O’Bryan SC in his role as counsel for a class action over the collapse of Banksia Securities accuse the top silk of continuing to have an interest in the funder that bankrolled the proceedings after his wife was said to have sold her shares.

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Judge approves $212.5M toxic foam class action settlement
Alicia Lyons 2020-06-05 9:46 pm By Alison Eveleigh Sydney

A judge has given his blessing to a landmark $212.5 million settlement of three class actions over the use of allegedly toxic firefighting foam at government military bases despite a “large number” of objections.

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