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‘Arrogant’ barristers in Banksia class action struck off roll, face criminal probe
Andrew Palmer 2021-10-11 5:00 pm By Christine Caulfield

Lawyers running the scandal-ridden Banksia class action have been struck from the roll of practitioners, will face criminal investigation and must pay group members $11.7 million in damages.

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Judge warns AMP it could face 1.2M lawsuits if declassing bid succeeds
AMP 2021-10-11 10:07 pm By Cindy Cameronne

AMP and a number of its financial planning subsidiaries could face 1.2 million individual claims if they win a bid to declass a group proceeding over allegedly excessive insurance premiums, a judge has said.

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Lawyers in Crown Resorts class action fully vaxxed and ready for in-person trial
Class Actions 2021-10-11 10:36 pm By Miklos Bolza

A six-week trial in a shareholder class action against Crown Resorts set to begin at the end of October will start off virtually and shift to an in-person hearing once COVID-19 restrictions are eased in Victoria.

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Government can’t dodge sovereign bonds climate change class action
Class Actions 2021-10-11 2:49 pm By Bianca Hrovat

A climate change activist can continue her lawsuit alleging the federal government failed to disclose the impact of climate change to investors in sovereign bonds, with a court rejecting the Commonwealth’s strike-out application.

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Day of reckoning arrives for Banksia class action lawyers
Andrew Palmer 2021-10-08 10:50 pm By Christine Caulfield

It has been described as the darkest chapter in Victoria’s legal history, an exemplar of all that is terrible with class actions in Australia. A case of greedy lawyers who found their golden egg in a group of retirees who had lost their life savings, never thinking the chickens might come home to roost. Until now.

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Insurers largely prevail in second COVID-19 test cases
Adam Pomerenke 2021-10-08 5:13 pm By Christine Caulfield

Insurers have largely succeeded in challenging COVID-19 business interruption losses claimed by a group of small businesses, in an important second test case that could save the industry billions of dollars.

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‘A clear and alarming trend’: Litigation funding group slams latest class action reforms
Class Actions 2021-10-08 3:07 pm By Miklos Bolza

The International Legal Finance Association has slammed the Morrison government’s proposed class action reforms, saying Australians were “systematically being stripped of their ability” to obtain relief through class actions by a “wish list of procedural hurdles” that would make the lawsuits unviable.

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Woolworths to pay further $50M to staff as underpayments class action settles
Adero Law 2021-10-08 1:00 pm By Miklos Bolza

Supermarket giant Woolworths will pay an additional $50 million to current and former salaried team members and has provisionally settled an underpayments class action against it.

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Priceline hit with class action by franchisees
Class Actions 2021-10-08 9:58 pm By Christine Caulfield

Priceline faces a class action by a group of franchisees accusing the pharmacy giant of exercising an “overly prescriptive level of control” that limits their profitability.

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‘Awkward’ reforms spell end to open class actions, barristers say
Class Actions 2021-10-07 11:08 pm By Miklos Bolza

Class action reforms proposed last week by the Morrison government would lead to the “rapid abandonment” of open class actions by law firms and litigation funders, two leading barristers have argued.

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