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Mining magnate Gina Rinehart can’t fight use of arbitration docs as trial in family feud begins
Appeals 2023-07-10 3:44 pm By Gareth Baker

Hancock Prospecting can’t challenge an order that documents produced in arbitration are fair game, as the mining company’s chief, Gina Rinehart, battles her children in a trial over ownership of a valuable tenement set to start Monday.

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Racing NSW wins doc bid as it mulls competition case against interstate counterparts
Andrew Emmerson 2023-05-31 5:22 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Racing NSW has won access to documents that concern an alleged plan by its Victorian counterpart to exclude it from the thoroughbred racing industry as part of an alleged anti-competitive agreement with four other states.

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Peter V’landys’ appeal flops in defamation case over ABC racehorse cruelty report
Anais d'Arville 2023-05-26 10:54 am By Sam Matthews

Racing NSW CEO Peter V’landys AM has failed to revive his defamation case against the ABC over a 7:30 segment that revealed racehorses were being killed in violation of industry rules, despite the appeals court noting that the report “treated him very shabbily” and “was not high quality journalism.”

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Docs produced in arbitration can be used in Rinehart family court battle
Adam Hochroth 2023-05-26 2:56 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has allowed two of Gina Rinehart’s children to use documents produced in private arbitration for their defence in court proceedings over ownership of a valuable mining tenement.

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Insurers challenge CIMIC win on coverage for Iraq bribery cases
Allens 2023-05-24 1:12 pm By Sam Matthews

Appeals and cross-appeals are flying over a judge’s finding that engineering services firm CIMIC Group can pursue insurance claims for costs arising from allegations it engaged in corrupt practices, including a $32 million class action settlement.

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Racing Victoria planned agreement to ‘seriously breach’ competition laws, court hears
Ashurst 2023-05-04 11:01 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Racing NSW has accused its Victorian counterpart of planning an anti-competitive agreement with five other states to exclude it from the thoroughbred racing industry, as it seeks documents to bring potential claims.

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High Court snubs Sunwater in appeal over coverage for $440M floods settlement
Allens 2023-04-13 2:15 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The High Court has rejected dam services provider Sunwater’s request that it weigh in on a dispute over insurance coverage for a $440 million class action settlement with victims of the 2010-2011 floods in Queensland.

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As trial in family feud nears, Gina Rinehart’s Hancock Prospecting rebuked for contributing to delay
Adam Hochroth 2023-04-13 11:06 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has granted a discovery bid by two of Gina Rinehart’s children as a long-running fight over ownership of a valuable mining tenement nears trial, and has rejected her company’s argument that they were solely responsible for dragging out a dispute over documents.

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Cato & Clive emails to be seen by Racing NSW as it mulls competition case
Ashurst 2023-03-29 7:42 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The NSW state racing authority has won access to communications between public relations firm Cato & Clive and five other racing bodies, including Racing Victoria, as it weighs a lawsuit alleging they plotted to exclude the body from the Australian horseracing industry. 

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Hancock Prospecting must hand over docs to Rinehart children
Allens 2023-03-28 2:25 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Gina Rinehart’s Hancock Prospecting has lost its bid to avoid producing documents to Bianca Rinehart and John Hancock after a judge rejected arguments the Rinehart children were abusing the court’s processes in a long-running dispute over ownership of a valuable mining tenement.

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