The receivers for funds manager Equititrust, who are suing the name partners of law firm Tucker & Cowen, have failed in their bid to have further security for costs paid in the form of deeds of indemnity, despite telling the court that funder Vannin might withdraw its support for the litigation.
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has scored a victory before the High Court, with the court unanimously finding that the term “officer” under the Corporations Act is not limited to those that hold official positions within a company.
A court has slashed the costs awarded to a Tucker & Cowen name partner in a lawsuit brought by the liquidators of failed fund manager Equititrust, citing a recent High Court ruling that found self-represented lawyers cannot recover their own expenses.
Two name partners at law firm Tucker & Cowen have lost another attempt to dismiss a case brought against them by the receivers of failed fund manager Equititrust over $17.5 million in funds allegedly obtained by deceptive means.
A court has approved a settlement between the liquidators of failed fund manager Equititrust and auditor KPMG, after not a single objection was raised by unitholders or creditors who won’t receive anything after the entire amount is paid to the funder.
The approval of a settlement between the liquidators of failed fund manager Equititrust and auditor KPMG has been postponed to allow time to notify creditors and unitholders that they won’t see a cent, an outcome the judge called “a long way from litigation in any traditional sense”.
A court has trimmed 10% off a $300,000 penalty against the former CEO of failed Gold Coast finance company MFS Group, after he successfully argued his role in the misappropriation of $147.5 million in trust funds was not as an officer of the company.
The High Court has granted ASIC special leave to appeal a judgment that let a former director of Gold Coast finance company MFS Group partially off the hook for $147.5 million in misappropriated funds, after ASIC argued the High Court should intervene to clarify the scope of the word “officer” under the Corporations Act.
A name partner at law firm Tucker & Cowen and the firm itself have lost their bid for summary dismissal of a lawsuit brought by the receiver of failed fund manager Equititrust seeking to recover $17.5 million allegedly acquired through deceptive means.
ASIC is seeking approval from the High Court to appeal a judgment that let a former director of Gold Coast finance company MFS Group partially off the hook for $147.5 million in misappropriated funds, saying the High Court needs to clarify the scope of the word “officer” under the Corporations Act.