A Melbourne-based immigration law firm has been dragged into court by job search platform Seek for alleged flagrant violations of its trade marks.
German cladding manufacturer 3A Composites is pushing forward with a bid to close a class action over allegedly combustible cladding to registered group members, arguing that a recent appeals court decision does not bar class closure in this case.
Power distributor Essential Energy has appealed a judgment granting preliminary discovery to landowners to pursue a potential class action over the 2018 Tathra bushfire.
Sparke Helmore has become the latest law firm to take steps to control costs in response to the coronavirus pandemic, announcing that it will suspend salary increases for the next financial year.
Sparke Helmore has admitted that legal advice it provided to IOOF subsidiary Australian Executor Trustees was inadequate but has argued it should be responsible only for up to 10 per cent of the $76.6 million judgment against AET over the sale of a timber plantation by collapsed forestry giant Gunns Group.
Sparke Helmore is equally responsible for a $76.6 million judgment against IOOF subsidiary Australian Executor Trustees over the sale of a timber plantation by collapsed forestry giant Gunns Group, an appeals court heard Thursday.
The litigation funder controlled by recently deceased class action lawyer Mark Elliott has lost its bid for a 12.5 per cent commission of a $5.5 million settlement secured by the special purpose receivers of Banksia Securities in its claim against the collapsed firm’s former insurance broker.
Generic drug maker Juno Pharmaceuticals has agreed to stopped planned sales of its cheap version of Millennium Pharmaceuticals anti-cancer medication Velcade in Australia as part of a settlement of its lawsuit alleging two patents covering the drug were invalid.
The lead applicant in a class action over allegedly combustible cladding has been ordered to immediately pay the defendants’ costs that were thrown away by amended pleadings that bring a “substantially new case”, over a year after the high-stakes case was filed.
An insurance broker breached its duties to a software company and must cover the costs of a settlement it reached with Microsoft for copyright infringement, a court has found.