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Peter Dutton takes ‘rape apologist’ defamation case to High Court
Appeals 2022-06-20 10:24 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

Opposition leader Peter Dutton has asked the High Court to overturn an appeals court judgment that found a tweet labelling him a “rape apologist” was not defamatory.

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Ex-Sydney Symphony CEO denies sending ‘hit job’ media release
Andrew Gotting 2022-06-20 10:56 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

Former Sydney Symphony CEO Emma Dunch has struck back at the orchestra’s argument that she can’t claim she was terminated for investigating claims of sexual harassment after telling the media she was the victim of a politically motivated “hit job” for seeking funding from the NSW government.

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Herbert Smith Freehills eyes tax law leader status with partner sweep
Business of Law 2022-06-20 1:49 pm By Christine Caulfield

As it severs ties with specialist outfit Greenwoods, Herbert Smith Freehills has brought on three tax law experts as part of the firm’s plans to beef up its commercial tax practice.

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High Court won’t hear argument for $100M judgment against Adani over Abbot Point fees
Andrew Stumer 2022-06-20 4:22 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

The High Court has declined to review an appeals court decision that overturned a $106 million judgment against a unit of Indian conglomerate Adani Group over access charges for its Abbot Point coal terminal.

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7-Eleven class action funder wins first-ever interim payment from settlement
7-Eleven 2022-06-17 4:24 pm By Cindy Cameronne Sydney

A judge has granted a litigation funder for two franchisee class actions against 7-Eleven an interim payment to cover its costs ahead of a ruling on how much it can pocket from a $98 million settlement.

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Albanese government welcomes class action funder’s defeat of MIS regulation
Adam Hochroth 2022-06-17 10:48 pm By Christine Caulfield

The federal government said Friday it would consider the implications of an appeals court’s finding that the managed investment scheme structure was unsuited to class actions, a ruling it said was a victory for ordinary Australians and a vindication for Labor.

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Legal privilege over jab mandate advice waived with counsel’s failure to object, court says
Alexander Law 2022-06-17 9:57 pm By Sam Matthews Melbourne

A judge has ruled that a senior Queensland police official waived legal professional privilege during cross examination, allowing the plaintiffs in a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination challenge to see legal advice about the jab direction by the Crown Solicitor.

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Salter Bros scores win in suit against former Hendry Group CEO
Colette Mintz 2022-06-17 3:32 pm By Sam Matthews Melbourne

Salter Brothers has won its lawsuit against former Hendry Group CEO Emma Hendry alleging the firm was misled into investing millions of dollars into the investment firm in 2019.

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‘Parlous situation’: Mascot Towers owners file court bid to sell troubled buildings
CBA 2022-06-17 4:51 pm By Cindy Cameronne Sydney

Owners of Sydney’s Mascot Towers are facing a “parlous situation” as they file an urgent court bid to sell the two buildings after $16 million was spent to repair structural cracks that made the apartments unliveable.

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RIP MIS: Funders, lawyers hail end of ‘ill-fitting’ regime for class actions
Allens 2022-06-16 11:46 pm By Christine Caulfield

The ruling by the Full Federal Court that funded class actions are not managed investment schemes marks the end of an ill-considered regime enacted by the Morrison government to rein in class actions, but the debate over regulation of litigation funders is not over yet.

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