An upcoming trial in a long-running legal stoush between a patent lawyer and the inventor of a energy efficient surf machine over the rights to the invention has been vacated after a judge found the company the rights were assigned to has not provided satisfactory discovery.
A junior doctor representing thousands of medical officers in NSW has thwarted an application by the state to declass her group proceeding, with a judge saying a “single determination” of the issues common to all group members was the most efficient way of resolving them.
Former SAS corporal Ben Roberts-Smith has filed an appeal after he lost his defamation case against Nine-owned Fairfax in a ruling that found he committed murder in Afghanistan and was not a reliable witness.
Willis Australia has won an appeal against its landlord, AMP Capital, with a court ruling the insurance broker is entitled to withdraw notice it gave in December 2019 to renew its office lease.
A judge overseeing a class action over the government’s total ban on live cattle exports to Indonesia has challenged the applicant’s bid to base group member damages on an increased number of cows that could have been exported, three years after the lead applicant won a $2.9 million judgment.
Seven and law firm Herbert Smith Freehills have lost a bid to set aside subpoenas issued by Fairfax, as the publisher seeks third party costs orders against Seven for funding disgraced soldier Ben Roberts-Smith’s unsuccessful defamation case.
A self-managed superannuation fund has taken Slater & Gordon to court to block the the acquisition of its shares in the firm as part of the plaintiff firm’s takeover by private equity firm Allegro Funds, saying the 55 cents per share price is not fair and reasonable.
The office of the special investigator wants access to evidence in Ben Roberts-Smith’s failed defamation case, a court has heard, while Fairfax says it needs to see invoices from Herbert Smith Freehills to the soldier’s financial backer, Seven chairman Kerry Stokes, in its bid for costs.
Nine has partially won its bid to include evidence about the reputation of Euro Pacific CEO Peter Schiff in an attempt to minimise the damages it will owe after abandoning its substantive defences in defamation proceedings by the bank boss.
Nine is battling to adduce evidence concerning the reputation of Euro Pacific CEO Peter Schiff, as it scrambles to minimise the damages it will owe after abandoning its substantive defences in defamation proceedings by the bank boss.