Three insurers for builder Icon are planning to test the reasonableness of a structural engineer’s defence costs in a now settled class action brought by apartment owners in Sydney’s ill-fated Opal Tower.
A barristers’ clerk has reached a confidential agreement with a Melbourne-based chambers to resolve a lawsuit alleging she was fired for wanting to work from home.
A Melbourne-based clerking service has denied that it fired a clerk because she asked to work from home to manage her disability and was absent from work due to COVID-19 complications.
A former managing director of adtech company Amobee can proceed with a complaint of disability discrimination by association, after he was fired for failing to disclose a relationship with an employee who suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder after a sexual assault by a senior executive.
Investment firm Curve Securities is suing competitor Ord Minnett and a former associate director, alleging the defecting adviser solicited its clients and misused confidential information.
A former Norton Rose Fulbright digital marketing manager is trying to revive her allegations that the firm fired her after she complained of bullying and sex discrimination by her supervisor.
Rigby Cooke has prevailed in an appeal by a former client that challenged a ruling for the law firm over a $24.5 million East Melbourne development.
The former general counsel of UK-based transit payment provider Littlepay was dismissed because her legal support was “problematic”, the fintech claims in response to allegations she faced bullying and discrimination upon returning to work after giving birth.
Salter Brothers has won its lawsuit against former Hendry Group CEO Emma Hendry alleging the firm was misled into investing millions of dollars into the investment firm in 2019.
Law firm Norton Rose Fulbright has won the dismissal of a case brought by a former digital marketing manager who claims she was fired two months after making an internal complaint of bullying and sex discrimination by her supervisor.