The High Court has revoked special leave to Facebook to challenge a case by the privacy commissioner, finding that the social media giant’s grounds of appeal no longer involved issues of public importance.
A law firm has won its second bid for a group costs order in three class actions against banks over flexible commission schemes after a judge in 2021 rejected what was then the first-ever application for a contingency fee.
Insurance specialist firm Wotton + Kearney has hired a lawyer from King & Wood Mallesons with class action expertise to bolster its litigation defence offering.
A decision by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal that reproduced almost entirely verbatim and without attribution the submissions of the prevailing party as its own reasons damages the public’s trust in the AAT and must be overturned, a court has ruled.
Boost Mobile has sued telecommunications giant Singtel Optus, alleging it “misappropriated” its goodwill by marketing services under a similar product name after Boost chose to move its mobile network to Telstra.
Casino operator Star Entertainment has settled a lawsuit against Momento Hospitality and CEO Marcello Colosimo over the name of their latest western Sydney pub, registered as The Star Hotel.
A class action by property owners against the manufacturer and supplier of alleged combustible cladding has lost a bid for sales figures to estimate the value of their claims as the parties head into settlement negotiations next month.
King & Wood Mallesons has denied the claims in a lawsuit by defunct stockbroker Halifax Investment Services alleging it failed to advise it of an obligation to hold client funds on trust, and has said another law firm should also take the blame if it is found negligent.
Maurice Blackburn has had a second crack at a group costs order in three class actions against banks over alleged flexible commission schemes after a judge in 2021 rejected what was then the first-ever application for a contingency fee.
The Commonwealth Bank of Australia has urged the Full Court to toss ASIC’s challenge to a decision dismissing its conflicted remuneration case over the bank’s sale of its Essential Super product, saying the appeal suffered from “fatal” flaws.