The CEO and founder of Euro Pacific Bank, Peter Schiff, has launched a defamation lawsuit against the Nine Network over a 60 Minutes episode that allegedly implied he “facilitated the theft of millions of dollars from the Australian people” by assisting customers to commit offshore tax fraud.
Former Attorney-General Christian Porter wants to rely on new evidence relating to former Solicitor-General Justin Gleeson SC as he appeals the removal of his high profile silk from a now settled defamation case against the ABC over its coverage of historical rape allegations.
A judge has spoken of his personal challenge as an “older, white male” in deciding the objective meaning of racism in Nine Network sports reporter Erin Molan’s defamation case, and said the matter would have been worthy of a trial by jury.
Chanel 9 sports reporter Erin Molan told a judge the ever-changing goal posts of political correctness made it hard to know whether racially-charged jokes were acceptable radio fodder, but denied ever making racist jokes on air.
A Federal Court judge has criticised the liquidators of coal mining company Delta for waiting over two years to file insolvent trading proceedings against former directors when the same issues of solvency had already been raised in two other cases.
A friend of Christian Porter’s accuser has lodged complaints with the NSW legal watchdog against silk Sue Chrysanthou and Porter’s solicitor, Rebekah Giles, for their conduct in representing the former Attorney-General in his defamation case against the ABC.
Noting that the legal costs of a dispute over whether she could represent federal minister Christian Porter in his defamation case were “substantial”, Sue Chrysanthou SC has asked to see invoices before she agrees to a lump sum bill of $550,000.
Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich has hit publisher HarperCollins with a defamation lawsuit over a book which allegedly implied the businessman had a corrupt relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Christian Porter has appealed a ruling that barred silk Sue Chrysanthou from representing him in his now-settled defamation lawsuit against the ABC over its coverage of historical rape allegations.
The dossier by the woman who accused former Attorney-General Christian Porter of rape has been made public in a case brought by the woman’s friend against his star defamation barrister.