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Lawyer who withheld high earner’s wages fights watchdog’s refusal to renew certificate
Appeals 2022-08-16 4:25 pm By Sam Matthews

The director of a law firm ordered to pay $184,000 in wages withheld from a junior lawyer is fighting a decision by the Victorian Legal Services Board + Commissioner to not renew his practicing certificate.

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Law firm must pay former high earner ‘fruits of his victory’ pending appeal
Appeals 2022-03-24 1:43 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A Melbourne law firm has lost its bid to delay payment of a $184,000 judgment to a former junior lawyer who earned hundreds of thousands of dollars per year under a lucrative pay structure.

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Court orders law firm to compensate underpaid junior lawyer despite six figure income
Business of Law 2021-04-19 5:23 pm By Miklos Bolza

A Melbourne law firm and its director have been ordered to pay over $184,000 to a former junior lawyer who earned hundreds of thousands of dollars per year, after a court found he was underpaid and fired for filing a barrage of complaints.

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