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Enviro group wins access to docs on $1.3B Toondah Harbour development
Diana Tang 2023-08-24 4:59 pm By Cindy Cameronne Sydney

An environment group that alleges former treasurer Josh Frydenberg rejected advice from the climate change office on a high-rise apartment development on protected wetlands near Brisbane has won access to correspondence about the project.

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Court action launched over Tanya Plibersek’s ‘irrational’ coal mine approvals
Climate change 2023-06-06 12:29 pm By Gareth Baker Sydney

Climate justice groups have launched a challenge to federal environment minister Tanya Plibersek’s decision to expand two proposed mega coal mines in NSW, arguing her refusal to accept the scientific evidence of climate risk was irrational and unlawful. 

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EPA did not have to consider greenhouse gas emissions in coal licence renewal, court finds
Allens 2022-12-21 10:43 pm By Sam Matthews Melbourne

The Victoria Supreme Court has dismissed a bid to quash the Environment Protection Authority’s decision to renew the mining licences of the state’s three remaining coal power stations, in a test case for the state’s Climate Change Act.

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Victoria’s EPA ignored climate change law in renewing power station licences, suit says
Energy & Natural Resources 2021-09-23 10:58 pm By Christine Caulfield Melbourne

Victoria’s environment watchdog has been taken to court over its decision to renew the licences of the state’s three remaining coal power stations, a test case under the state’s Climate Change Act and the latest in a series of climate lawsuits.

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REST questions duty of care in lawsuit over climate change disclosures
Allens 2019-04-02 7:51 pm By Miklos Bolza Sydney

The trustee of the Retail Employees Superannuation Trust wants more details about an ecological landscaper’s allegation that it breached its duty of care by failing to make adequate disclosures about climate change risks.

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Activist suing super fund REST over climate change plan can’t cap adverse costs
Allens 2019-01-18 3:29 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Sydney

An ecological landscaper suing the Retail Employees Superannuation Trust fund for an undeveloped climate change policy has lost an application for a maximum costs order in the public-interest case.

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VicForests banned from logging in greater glider habitat
Article 2018-05-11 11:48 am By Miklos Bolza Sydney

An environmental group fighting to protect the threatened greater glider has won a temporary injunction that bans state-owned forestry corporation VicForests from logging in select regions of the Victorian Central Highlands where the marsupial has been found.

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