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Sizzler, Burger Urge lay down steak knives in trade mark battle
Downielaw 2021-04-08 3:16 pm By Christine Caulfield

Buffet dining pioneer Sizzler, which closed its last Australian restaurants in November, has settled a trade mark dispute with Brisbane-based chain Burger Urge over a chicken burger known as “the Sizzle”.

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Judge puts sandwiches back on the menu in Sizzler trade mark spat
Cynthia Cochrane 2021-02-10 11:07 am By Miklos Bolza

A judge has ordered buffet restaurant pioneer Sizzler to amend its pleadings in a trade mark stoush with Brisbane-based restaurant Burger Urge to bring them in line with a summary judgment application that includes sandwiches among the classes of allegedly infringed goods.

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Sizzler seeks quick win in bun fight with Burger Urge  
Downielaw 2020-08-21 2:39 pm By Alison Eveleigh

Buffet restaurant pioneer Sizzler is seeking a quick win in its trade mark stoush with Brisbane-based Burger Urge tossed, telling a court it will be seeking summary judgment in its favour.

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Burger chain flips, agrees to injunction over Sizzler ‘tribute’ burger  
Cynthia Cochrane 2020-06-23 5:41 pm By Alison Eveleigh

The Brisbane-based burger chain at the centre of a trademark stoush with buffet bar pioneer Sizzler has agreed to refrain from its allegedly infringing trade mark use until the case is decided.

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